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I have never remarked in a little negress, who had been deflowered by a White, the valvular inflammation, which, with us, is noticed as the black hairy porn pictures black girls hairy virgin result of premature copulation before the parts are sufficiently developed.... If the reader will remember that the European, who is below the average dimensions in regard to his _penis_, is like a little boy in proportion to the negress of ten or twelve years old, it is not difficult to imagine that the negress he has deflowered can entirely take in the yard of the White, the dimensions of which are much less than that of the adult black. When the girl has to do later with a negro husband, an astringent lotion will render the bride a pseudo-virgin.

The deceived husband, not having the anatomical knowledge necessary to assure himself of the real existence of the signs of virginity, feels a difficulty in copulating, and is far from suspecting any trick.[5] [5] “black hairy porn pictures black girls hairy virgin The Chinese ... have discovered a way of forming a new virginity when by some accident that object has gone astray. The method consists in astringent lotions applied to the parts, the effect of which so draws them together that a certain amount of vigour is required in order to pass through, the husband--on a nuptial night--being convinced that he has overcome the usual barrier. To make the illusion more complete, a leech-bite is made just inside the critical part, and the little wound is plugged with a minute pellet of vegetable tinder, with the result that the effort made by the husband to overcome the difficulty displaces the pellet and a slight flow of blood ensues.” (_Curious Bypaths of History_, _op.

sup._) That this method is by no means peculiar to the Chinese is instanced by Brantome in his _Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies_ (Paris: Carrington, 1901: first English black hairy porn pictures black girls hairy virgin translation), where the genial old soldier-philosopher says:--“How clever these doctors be! for they do give women remedies to make them appear virgin and intact as they were afore.... One such especially I learned of a quack these last few days. Take leeches and apply to the privy parts, getting them to drain and suck the blood in that region. Now the leeches, in sucking, do engender and leave behind little blebs or blisters full of blood. Then when the gallant bridegroom cometh on his marriage night to give assault, he doth burst these same blisters and the blood discharging from them; the thing is all bathed in gore, to the great satisfaction of both the twain; for so ‘the honour of the citadel is saved.’” “Does not much the same kind of thing prevail also in Europe?

How many girls who have been deflowered get married without their husband ever suspecting anything, although he has not the black hairy porn pictures black girls hairy virgin same physical disadvantages that the black has to prevent his seeing through the trick? Is it to this amorous blindness that the Greeks and Romans alluded when they represented Cupid with a bandage over his eyes?

In opposition to those who exact the virginity of the bride, there are others who attach no importance whatever to it.... The ancient Egyptians used to make an incision in the hymen previous to marriage, and St.

Athanasius relates that among the Ph?nicians a slave of the bridegroom was charged by him to deflower the bride.[6] The Caraib Indians attached no value to virginity, and only the daughters of the higher classes were shut up during two years previous to marriage. [6] “That this eagerness after virginity is not an original lust, I must, indeed, prove from the opinion of a certain remote people, who esteem the taking of a maidenhead as a laborious and illiberal practice, which they delegate to men hired for that purpose, ere themselves condescend to lie with their wives; who are returned with disgrace to their friends, if it be discovered that they have brought their virginity with them.”--_The Battles of Venus_: The Hague, 1760, quoted by Pisanus Fraxi in his _Index Librorum Prohibitorum_. “It appears that among the Chibcha black hairy porn pictures black girls hairy virgin Indians in Central America virginity is not at all esteemed; it was considered to be a proof that the maiden had never been able to inspire love. “In ancient Peru the old maids were the objects of high esteem. There were sacred virgins called ‘Wives of the Sun,’ somewhat similar to the Roman vestals.[7] (The nuns of the present day, do they not style themselves the ‘Spouses of Christ’?). It is also said they were buried alive when they happened to break their vow of chastity, unless indeed they could prove having conceived, not from a man, but from the sun.

[7] “Now as to these vows of virginity, Heliogabalus did promulgate a law to the effect that no Roman maid, not even a Vestal Virgin, was bound to perpetuate virginity, saying how that the female sex was over weak black hairy porn pictures black girls hairy virgin for women to be bound to a pact they could never be sure of keeping.” (Brantome: _Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies_.) The author of this edict was not without a knowledge of sexual psychology, for we have ample evidence that some of the Vestals failed in their duty, which was, nominally, to guard the sacred fire and the Holy Things of Rome.

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