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“Now get out!” Still a kick—and then I can go to bed. * * * * * To-night I accompanied her to a soiree.

In the entrance-hall she ordered me to help her out of her furs; then with a proud smile, confident of victory, she entered the brilliantly illuminated room. I again waited with gloomy and monotonous thoughts, watching hour after hour run by.

From time to time the sounds of music reached me, when the door remained open for a moment.

Several servants tried to start a conversation with me, but soon desisted, since I knew only a few words of Italian. Finally I fell asleep, and dreamed that I murdered Wanda in a violent attack of jealousy. I was condemned to death, and saw myself strapped on the board; the knife fell, I felt it on my neck, but I was still alive— Then the executioner slapped my face. No, it wasn’t the executioner; it was Wanda who stood wrathfully before me demanding her furs. I am at her side in a moment, and help her on with it. There is a deep joy in wrapping a beautiful woman into her furs, and in seeing and feeling how her neck and magnificent limbs nestle in the precious soft furs, and to lift the flowing hair over the collar. When she throws it off a soft warmth and a faint fragrance of her body still clings to the ends of the hairs of sable. * * * * * Finally a day came when there were neither guests, nor theater, nor other company. Wanda sat in the gallery, reading, and apparently had no orders for me. At dusk when the silvery evening mists fell she withdrew. I served her at dinner, she ate by herself, but had not a look, not a men watching lesbian kissing pussy syllable for me, not even a slap in the face.

Tears fill my eyes, and I feel that she has humiliated me so deeply, that she doesn’t even find it worth while to torture or maltreat me any further. “You will sleep here to-night, I had horrible dreams last night, and am afraid of being alone.

Take one of the cushions from the ottoman, and lie down on the bearskin at my feet.” Then Wanda put out the lights. The only illumination in the room was from a small lamp suspended from the ceiling. “Don’t stir, so as not to wake me.” I did as she had commanded, but could not fall asleep for a long time. I saw the beautiful woman, beautiful as a goddess, lying on her back on the dark sleeping-furs; men watching lesbian kissing pussy her arms beneath her neck, with a flood of red hair over them. I heard her magnificent breast rise in deep regular breathing, and whenever she moved ever so slightly. I woke up and listened to see whether she needed me. No task was required of me; men watching lesbian kissing pussy I meant no more to her than a night-lamp, or a revolver which one places under one’s pillow. * * * * * Am I mad or is she? Does all this arise out of an inventive, wanton woman’s brain with the intention of surpassing my supersensual fantasies, or is this woman really one of those Neronian characters who take a diabolical pleasure in treading underfoot, like a worm, human beings, men watching lesbian kissing pussy who have thoughts and feelings and a will like theirs? When I knelt with the coffee-tray beside her bed, Wanda suddenly placed her hand on my shoulder and her eyes plunged deep into mine.

“What beautiful eyes you have,” she said softly, “and especially now since you suffer.

Are you very unhappy?” I bowed my head, and kept silent. “Severin, do you still love me,” she suddenly exclaimed passionately, “can you still love me?” She drew me close with such vehemence that the coffee-tray upset, the can and cups fell to the floor, and the coffee ran over the carpet. “Wanda—my Wanda,” I cried out and held her passionately against me; I covered her mouth, face, men watching lesbian kissing pussy and breast with kisses.

“It is my unhappiness that I love you more and more madly the worse you treat me, the more frequently you betray me.

Oh, I shall die of pain and love and jealousy.” “But I haven’t betrayed you, as yet, Severin,” replied Wanda smiling. “Haven’t I myself taken the letter to the Prince—” “Of course, it was an men watching lesbian kissing pussy invitation for luncheon.” “You have, since we have been in Florence—” “I have been absolutely faithful to you,” replied Wanda, “I swear it by all that is holy to me.

All that I have done was merely to fulfill your dream and it was done for your sake.

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