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What business has my Toyman here, and what is a muzzle?" "It is this, my dear. A muzzle is a machine invented by Frenicol, approved by the academy, and improved by Eolipila, who claims the honour of black girls kissing another girl and naked the invention." "But pray, this machine invented by Frenicol, approved by the academy, and improved by that silly fellow Eolipila."----"Oh! Well then, this machine being applied to a Toy, renders it discreet in spite of its teeth."----"Can this be true, my dear?" "It is so said." "We must know it," replied Zelida, "and immediately too." She rang, one of her women appeared, and she sent for Frenicol. "Frenicol is less taken notice of," answered Zelida. Frenicol, are you there," said Zelida, "you are welcome. Make haste, my friend, to extricate two women out of cruel anxiety."--"What is the business, ladies?

Would you please to have some rare Toys?"--"No, we have two already, and we would willingly"--"Part with them, I suppose. Pray, ladies, let me see them, I will take them, or we will make an exchange."--"You are mistaken, Mr.

Frenicol, we have nothing pictures of naked and sexy puertorican girls alone to truck."--"Well, I understand you, you have some ear-rings, which you would desire to lose, so as that your husbands may find them in my shop."----"Not that neither; pray, Sophia, inform him of the matter." "Frenicol," continued Sophia, "we want two----What, don't you understand?" "No, madam: how would you have me understand, when you say nothing?"----"'Tis," said Sophia, "because when a woman is modest, it gives her pain to speak plain on certain things." "But yet," replied Frenicol, "she must speak plain. I am a Toyman, not a Conjuror."----"You must guess however."----"Faith, ladies, the more I look on ye, the less I comprehend ye. When a lady is young, rich, and pretty as you are, she xxx naked black girls amateur porn selfie is not reduced to artifice: moreover, I declare sincerely, that I sell them no longer.

I have left the dealing in those baubles to young beginners in the trade." Our devouts found the Toyman's mistake so ridiculous, that they both burst out into a violent fit of laughter, which disconcerted him. You might well have spared yourselves the trouble of sending for me three miles off, to divert yourselves at my cost." "Stop, stop, friend," said Zelida, still laughing on. But by your misapprehending us, such ridiculous notions came into your black girls kissing another girl and naked head."----"'Tis in your power, ladies, to put juster into it. Frenicol, let me laugh at ease, before I answer you." Zelida laugh'd till she panted for breath. The Toyman thought within himself that she had black girls kissing another girl and naked the vapors, or was out of her senses, and had patience. At length Zelida ceased.----"Well," said she, "the business relates to our Toys, our own Toys, do you understand me, Mr. To be sure you cannot be ignorant, that for some time past several Toys have prattled like magpyes: now we would be very glad that ours would not follow this bad example." "Ah! now I take it, that is to say," replied Frenicol, "that you want a muzzle each."----"Very right, you have hit it off truly. Frenicol was no fool." "Madam, your goodness is very great. As to what you require, I have of all sorts, I go this moment to bring you some." Frenicol went accordingly: in the mean while Zelida embraced her friend, and thank'd her for her expedient: and I, says the African author, went to black girls kissing another girl and naked take a nap, waiting his return. _The Toyman's return._ The Toyman returned, and presented the ladies with two muzzles of the best sort.----"Ah! And who are the unhappy women, whom these will fit? Indeed, friend, you must certainly have taken measure by black girls kissing another girl and naked the Sultan's mare."----"Yes," said Sophia indolently, after having measured them with her fingers, "you are in the right; and there is but the Sultan's mare and old Rimosa, for whom these can do."----"I protest, ladies, that they are of the common size; and that Zelmaida, Zyrphila, Amiana, and a hundred other ladies, have of the same sort." "That is impossible," said Zelida.----"'Tis actually so however," replied Frenicol: "but they all said the same thing as ye have: and as they have, so may you undeceive yourselves by trying them on." "Mr.

Frenicol may say what he will; but he shall never perswade me that this will fit me," said Zelida, "nor this me," said Sophia.

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Adventures._ It was spent at the Hall, and the remainder were passed with Laura and throwing her clothes over her back, she exposed all the.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.