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I experienced, therefore, a great deal of pain, and cried out— “Oh, my dear Fred, you hurt me dreadfully, what are you doing?” “Doing, my darling! Have a little patience, and I will make you mad with pleasure.” Another determined thrust sent him halfway, and then with another, still more violent, he lodged himself up to the hilt within. I screamed with real pain, and struggled to free myself. “Good heavens, sir, you are killing me; I will not endure such treatment.” He heeded me not, but holding me fast by the thighs commenced shoving in and out furiously. A sensitive woman never receives an insertion of this kind with impunity.

The friction began to excite feelings that first deadened the pain of entrance, and then began to awaken the delicious sensations of lubricity. The enjoyment I began to experience was delicious, and I could not refrain from heaving up to meet his thrusts. “That is right, my angel; was I not correct in saying it would soon turn from pain to pleasure? Do you not enjoy it now?” “Yes; but you make me feel so funny. I don’t know what—it—is.” His increased and rapid movement filled me with delight; I bounded up and down in rafael nadal naked pic response to his thrusts, and felt so queer when, all of a sudden, he gasped for breath, stopped, and I felt a greater and stiffer swelling of his instrument, and then a gush of hot liquid rafael nadal naked pic dashed against my womb, which continued running for some rafael nadal naked pic seconds. This, Carry, was my first experience of what a man can do for us.

Withdrawing his huge affair—for he since admits he is larger than most men—letting go my thighs—he pressed down upon me, and tenderly embraced me, and said that I had behaved admirably; in future there would be no more pain, and from what he had already experienced he felt sure I was made for the fullest enjoyment that husband and wife could indulge in. After a little fondling, he rose, drew off my stockings, and helped me into bed, immediately following me. On throwing back the clothes to enter the bed, he said he must kiss the dear little hairy thing that had given him such pleasure. He kissed and toyed with it admiring the profusion of hair on my mount, the whiteness and beauty of my belly, and then, baring my breasts, admired, kissed, and sucked them. All this not only excited me, but I could see very well it had again caused his affair to stick out. Seeing that I was timidly glancing at it, he seized my hand, and made me lay hold of it, showed me how the skin covered and uncovered its head; then becoming rampageous, he got on my belly and between my thighs, and again introduced his cock to where it had already given such pleasure. He still rather hurt me, and made me rafael nadal naked pic smart for a little while, but as the interior was well lubricated by his former discharge, the penetration was easily accomplished.

When up to the hilt, and the two hairs were closely joined, he paused and said— “We will take it less impatiently this time, that my darling Bessie may enter into all the joys of fucking, for elizabeth mitchell naked pic that is what we call it my dear; so I shall go slowly to work until my darling’s passions awake and urgently call for more rapid movements.” He did so, and gradually produced the most lascivious excitement in my whole body.

I writhed beneath him in the utmost extasy, threw my arms round his body, and hugged him to me. you are an angel,” he cried, “and made for enjoyment. Throw your legs also over my back—there, that is it—and now I will hasten my movements, and we will die away together.” Oh, the delight he gave me was inexpressibly delicious; his rapid and eager thrusts were as eagerly met by the upheaving of my bottom to reciprocate them. The grand crisis seized us simultaneously, and we sank momentarily exhausted in each other’s arms, leaving the dear exciter of such joys soaking within.

My dear husband was so pleased, he kissed and fondled me in the sweetest manner, telling me that never woman before had yielded him such intense pleasure, that nature had prompted me to as much enjoyment as if I had been already married a month. We were locked closely in the warmest embrace; his tenderness and fondling began to have its effect on my passions, and involuntarily I made some internal convulsive twitchings. “I feel you, my darling, calling on my instrument for renewed efforts; he will soon respond.” And, in fact, I felt it swelling and swelling so deliciously that I could not help continuing the interior pressures, although feeling confusedly ashamed of the notice my husband took of it. “Don’t be afraid, my sweetest love, but give way to whatever rafael nadal naked pic your passions dictate, and thus you will best please me, and give to yourself double enjoyment. I mean to initiate you into every secret that the rites of Venus possess, and wish that my loved wife should become a devoted votary, and I will do my best that she may revel in all the luxuries of perfect coition.” We completed this course with even greater abandon than before, and I began to enjoy his embraces beyond anything our imaginations used to suggest.

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