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Best to penetrate anal intercouse position

His sister-child, for she was both, was born in his first year’s exile. Beyond his mother’s description of her, that she was growing up a beautiful girl, the image of her father, meaning her son, the Count, he had no other intelligence of her. She had just turned eleven when her mother died; for two years after that sad event she kept house for her father. He then dying, the second brother took possession of the property. As the state had deprived him of best to penetrate anal intercouse position all civil rights, the property was given up to the brother. On his return, after being amnestied, the Count had to go to law with his brother to get back his property. His sister-daughter, who had been unhappy with her brother’s wife, gladly left them to keep house with the Count. She was then in her seventeenth year, splendidly developed in bosom and bottom, lovely and lustful deep-brown eyes, the very image of her father, although she only knew him as her brother.

The recollection of the fierce joys he had had with his own and her mother, drove him wild with lust to possess the incestuous fruit of his intrigue with his own mother. He used of an evening after dinner to have her sit on his knee while he related redhead girl nude anal his adventures abroad, intermingled with kissing and toying. He praised her splendid bubbies and felt them; he said he could not believe that her immense prominence behind was real unless he felt the bare skin. With little resistance this was permitted once, then indulged in, until from less to more he got to feeling and frigging her cunt, while he put his own standing prick into her caressing hand. He took her maidenhead, and then she crept into his bed best to penetrate anal intercouse position every night. He initiated her into every excess of venery, and ended by getting her with child.

It was concealed as long as possible, and then, on pretence of a visit to a friend at Turin, to see some fetes, he conducted her to an _accoucheuse_, and left her there until best to penetrate anal intercouse position her parturition was over. I may here mention that just five weeks after that event came off we met them at Turin, on our way home from Venice. The Count introduced us as old friends, with whom everything could be done in common. We stopped a fortnight, and initiated her into all the mysteries and extravagancies of the wildest lust, best to penetrate anal intercouse position and she proved apt a scholar that she almost equalled in action and enjoyment the greater experience of my beloved wife.

The Count had taken apartments at Turin for the winter, and finding his sister-daughter so facile a pupil he intended getting up a _partie carree_ to continue these delightful orgies. His child was a lovely fruit of double incest, and gave promise of being a lovely woman. Her mount was charmingly plump, and the pouting lips of her delicious little cunt were already lust-exciting. The Count hoped he would be able to fuck her when old enough and promised me a participation when the time came. I may here add he had her always to bed with him, and his sister-mother every morning, and in the bath with him. From between seven and eight years old he gamahuched her delighted cunt; at eight began rubbing his prick on her clitoris, and by nine had gradually stretched it that he could enter nearly his whole length, and spend there. We long knew each other, and he always said he was practising the lesson my adored wife Florence had instructed him in, when relating to us the incidents of her earlier days, and of her gradual violation by her own father.

I shall defer this story that I may at once describe the after-fate of this beautiful child, whom I and my wife have since often enjoyed between us, when she was entrusted to us by her father. After a visit to us in England he left her to perfect her English for six months with us. We certainly perfected her erotic education while she perfected herself in English download free having sex anal sex close up by her own ready talent for language, for although only in her sixteenth year, she spoke five languages perfectly, besides all the local dialects of Italy, which differ greatly from each other. Her stay with us best to penetrate anal intercouse position was much prolonged, for at the time she was about to leave us she proved to be with child by me.

In due course of time she was safely delivered of a daughter. Her father, who came over to take her home after the advent, ceded the dear little object of my connection with her mother to my wife’s prayers. We had no children of our rating tight teen anal own, and she would adopt her. The Count, who in his heart was delighted at the proposition, left her best to penetrate anal intercouse position with us.

He afterwards had a son by this beautiful and charming daughter and granddaughter of his at one and the same time. It is now long years anal sex with young women in odd positions ago, and that son legally adopted is now Count in succession after his father’s death.

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