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But of what use is all this, since it happens that I love you.” For barly legal women with big tits having sex a moment I lost my breath, then I said: “I have no wish to stand in the way of your happiness, Wanda. Do not consider me.” Then I raised my hat, and let her go ahead.

She looked at me surprised, but did not answer a syllable. When by chance I happened to be close to her on the way back, she secretly pressed my hand. Her glance was so radiant, so full of promised happiness, that in a moment all the torments of these days were forgotten and all their wounds healed.

* * * * * “My friend has complained about you,” said Wanda to-day. “Perhaps she feels that I despise her.” “But why do you despise her, you foolish young man?” exclaimed Wanda, pulling my ears with both hands.

“I respect only a woman who is actually virtuous, or who openly lives for pleasure’s sake.” “Like me, for instance,” replied Wanda jestingly, “but you see, child, a woman can only do that in the rarest cases. She can neither be as gaily sensual, nor as spiritually free as man; her state is always a mixture of the sensual and spiritual. Her heart desires to enchain man permanently, while she herself is ever subject to the desire for change. The result is a conflict, and thus usually against her wishes lies and deception enter into her actions and personality and corrupt her character.” “Certainly that is true,” I said. “The transcendental character with which woman wants to stamp love leads her to deception.” “But the world likewise demands it,” Wanda interrupted.

She has a husband and a lover in Lemberg and has found a new admirer here. She deceives all three and yet is honored by all and respected by the world.” “I don’t care,” I exclaimed, “but she is to leave you alone; she treats you like an article of commerce.” “Why not?” the beautiful woman interrupted vivaciously. “Every woman has the instinct or desire to draw advantage out of her attractions, and much is to be said for giving one’s self without love or pleasure because if you do it in cold blood, you can reap profit to best advantage.” “Wanda, what are you saying?” “Why not?” she said, “and barly legal women with big tits having sex take note of what I am about to say to you. _Never feel secure with the woman you love,_ for there are more dangers in woman’s nature than you imagine. Women are neither as _good_ as their admirers and defenders maintain, nor as _bad_ as their enemies make them out to be. _Woman’s character is characterlessness._ The best woman will momentarily go down into the mire, and the worst unexpectedly rises to deeds of greatness and goodness and puts to shame those that despise her. No woman is so good barly legal women with big tits having sex or so bad, but that at any moment she is capable of the most diabolical as well as of the most divine, of the filthiest barly legal women with big naked women swimming naked with men and having sex tits having sex as well as of the purest, thoughts, emotions, and actions. In spite of all the advances of civilization, woman has remained as she came out of the hand of nature. She has the nature of a savage, who is faithful or barly legal women with big tits having sex faithless, magnanimous or cruel, according to the impulse that dominates at the moment. Throughout history it has always been a serious deep culture which has produced moral character. Man even when he is selfish or evil always follows _principles,_ woman never follows anything but _impulses._ Don’t ever forget that, and never feel secure with the woman you love.” * * * * * Her friend has left. It seems as if Wanda had saved up all the love, which had been kept from her, for this superlative evening; never had she been so kind, so near, so full of tenderness. What happiness to cling to her lips, barly legal women with big tits having sex and to die away in her arms! In a state of relaxation and wholly mine, her head rests against my breast, and with drunken rapture our eyes seek each other. I cannot yet believe, comprehend, that this woman is mine, wholly mine. “She is right on one point,” Wanda began, without moving, without opening her eyes, as if she were asleep. “Yes, she is right, you are not a man, you are a dreamer, a charming cavalier, and you certainly would be a priceless slave, but I cannot imagine you as husband.” I was frightened. You are trembling?” “I tremble at the thought of how easily I might lose you,” I replied. “Are the most sexiest naked women photos with big tits you made less happy now, because of this?” she replied.

“Does it rob you of any of your joys, barly legal women with big tits having sex that I have belonged to another before I did to you, that others after you will possess me, and would you enjoy less if another were made happy simultaneously with you?” “Wanda!” “You see,” she continued, “that would be a way out.

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