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Seeing that he was Sanseverino’s secretary, and young singaporean ladys naked having sex in video that the great majority of his novels are dedicated to prominent Neapolitans, it may be assumed that his life was chiefly spent in Naples and the neighbourhood.... “Masuccio seems to have rated himself as one with a message to deliver ... his phraseology gives one the impression that he wrote with his feelings at white heat.... In the very Prologue to the work he announces his primary theme, by proclaiming himself the scourger of priestly vices.... If the words which a man speaks or writes are ever to be taken as evidence of the mind that is in him, then assuredly Masuccio may be credited with ardent hatred of the offences he denounces.[38] Putting aside young singaporean ladys naked having sex in video occasional lapses into licentiousness of expression as accidents inseparable from the age in which he wrote, it is almost impossible to doubt his sincerity as a would-be reformer of manners.... [38] Masuccio, of course, cannot claim any peculiar virtue in this respect, lust in the guise or under the cloak of religion being a favourite theme of medi?val and even later novelists. We shall deal at length with the subject in the second volume of _Anthologica Rarissima: The Way of a Priest_.

A few of his stories are in the vein of genuine buffo, a few more are tragedies pure and simple, but the majority of the residue will be found to treat of one or other of his two particular themes, the castigation of profligate clerics and unchaste women.

He devotes one part of the work to each of these specially; but in the other parts he never lets a friar or a woman escape the lash if he finds the chance of laying it on. are those which occur here and there in the ‘Masuccio’ at the end of his stories.... As an instance may be quoted the conclusion to Novel XXIII., in which, after screaming himself hoarse over the crimes of women, he finishes with these words:-- “‘Would that it had been God’s pleasure and Nature’s to have suffered us to be brought forth from the oak-trees, or indeed to have been engendered from water and mire like the frogs in the humid rains of summer, rather than to have taken our origin from so base, so corrupt, and so vilely fashioned a sex as womankind.’” As a further example of Masuccio’s hatred of women, Mr. Waters cites “the frightful indictment at the end of Novel VI. which he prefers against women who put on the habit of religious houses.” We might do worse than quote it:-- “ ... I keep silence, likewise, concerning all that might be said on the subject of the marriage of these women with friars ...

how they make sumptuous marriage feasts, inviting thereto from this convent and that their friends, who present themselves with equipages laden with all manner of rich goods.... With the consent of the abbess and of their prelate they execute marriage contracts, duly written and sealed; and then, having supped off all manner of sumptuous meats, and performed every other ceremony pertaining to the rite of marriage, they go to bed one with another without showing any fear or shame, just as if their union had been contracted with the full sanction of their own fathers, and by the laws of marriage....”[39] [39] _C.f._ _The New Metamorphosis, or The Golden Ass of Apuleius altered and improved to Modern Times_, by Carlo Socio: London, 1822, extracts from which, exactly germane to Masuccio’s denunciation, will be found in vol. Space young singaporean ladys naked having sex in video will not permit us, however, to deal _in extenso_ with Masuccio’s hatred of priest and woman. We can young singaporean ladys naked having sex in video best refer the reader to his _Novellino_, or to such extracts as we shall make from them in subsequent volumes of _Anthologica Rarissima_.

Our purpose, in the foregoing sketch, was to give some slight impression of the aims and mentality of the author of the two stories reproduced in this particular volume.

5: by John Lockman: from _Musical Miscellany_, (1731). Farmer, of course, is the editor and compiler of _Slang young singaporean ladys naked having sex in video and its Analogues_, to which we make constant reference.

Dame young singaporean ladys naked having sex in video _Jane_ a sprightly Nun, and gay, And formed of very yielding Clay, Had long with resolution strove To guard against the Shafts of Love. Fond _Cupid_ smiling, spies the Fair, And soon he baffles all her Care, In vain she tries her Pain to smother, The Nymph too frail, the Nymph too frail, becomes a Mother. But no, these little Follies o’er, She firmly vows she’ll sin no more; No more to Vice will fall a Prey, But spend in Prayer each fleeting Day. Close in her Cell immur’d she lies, Nor from the Cross removes her Eyes; Whilst Sisters crouding at the Crate, Spend all their Time, spend all their Time in Worldly Prate. The Abbess, overjoy’d to find This happy Change in Jenny’s Mind, The rest, with Air compos’d, addressing, “Daughters, if you expect a Blessing, “From pious _Jane_, Example take, “The World and all its Joys forsake.” “We will (they all replied as One) “But first let’s do as _Jane_ has done.” BEYOND THE MARK.[41] [41] _Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles_: “now first done into the English tongue by Robert B.

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