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"On account of a strange voice," continued Zegris, "which Chazour says he heard at the toilet of his princess. Since yesterday, the Sultan's court is full of people, who go with their ears cock'd, in hopes of catching, I can't say how, such declarations, as most certainly the persons concerned have no inclination to make them." "That is silly," replied the favorite. "Alcina's misfortune, if it be one, is far from being averred. We have not got to the bottom----" "Madam," interrupted Zelmaida, "I have heard her most distinctly.

The facts were well articulated, and it was not very difficult to guess whence this extraordinary sound issued. I assure you, that I should have died, were I in her place." "Died!" replied Zegris.

"Folks survive other sorts of accidents." "How?" cried Zelmaida.

"Can there be a more dreadful one than the indiscretion of a Toy? One must either renounce gallantry, or resolve to pass for a woman of pleasure." "Indeed," said Mirzoza, "the option is severe." "No, no, madam," replied another lady, "you will see that women sexy nude young redneck girls with big tits naked will fix their resolution. They will allow Toys to prate as much as they please; and will go their own way, without troubling themselves with what the world shall say.

And after all, what does it signify, whether it be a woman's Toy or her lover that proves indiscreet? Are things less exposed?" "Upon a serious consideration of the whole affair," continued a third, "if a woman's adventures must be divulged, 'tis better it should happen by her Toy than her lover." "The notion is singular," said the favorite; "and true," replied she who had broach'd it: "for, pray, observe that a lover is generally dissatisfied, before he becomes indiscreet, and therefore tempted to be revenged by exaggerating every thing: whereas a Toy talks without passion, and adds nothing to the truth." "For my part," said Zelmaida, "I am not of that opinion. In this case it is not so much the importance of the depositions, as the strength of the evidence, that ruins the criminal. A lover, who by his discourse dishonours the Altar, on which he has sacrificed, is a kind of impious person, who deserves no credit: but if the altar lifts up its voice, what answer can be made." "That the altar knows not what it says," replied the second. Monima, hitherto mute, broke silence, in order to say in a dragging, lazy tone: "Ah!

let my Altar, since you call it so, speak or be silent, I fear nothing from its talk." Mangogul enter'd that very instant, and Monima's last words did not escape him. He levell'd his Ring at her, and her Toy was heard to cry out: "Do not believe her, she lies." Her female neighbours, gazing at each other, ask'd whose Toy it was that made this answer. "'Tis sexy hot young porn stars from the orient topless not mine," said Zelmaida; "nor mine," said another; "nor mine," said Monima; "nor mine," said young porn stars with big tits hot photos the Sultan. Every one, and the favorite among the rest, persisted in the negative. The young porn stars with big tits hot photos Sultan, taking the advantage of this incertainty, and addressing the ladies, said: "You have Altars then? Pray, how are they feasted?" As he was speaking, he nimbly turn'd his Ring successively on all the women except Mirzoza; and every one of their Toys answering in its turn, these young porn stars with big tits hot photos words were heard in different tones. "I am frequented, batter'd, abandon'd, perfum'd, fatigu'd, ill serv'd, disgusted, &c." They all spoke their word, but so precipitately, that no just application could be made. Their jargon, sometimes rumbling, sometimes yelping, accompanied with loud laughs of Mangogul and his courtiers, made a noise of a new kind. The ladies agreed with a very grave air, that it was very diverting. "How," said the Sultan, "sure we are too happy, that the Toys deign to speak our language, and furnish half the expence of the conversation. Society must be a considerable gainer by this duplication of organs. Possibly we men shall speak also in our turn, by something else besides our mouths. What agrees so perfectly well with Toys, young porn stars with big tits hot photos may happen to be destin'd to young porn stars with big tits hot photos make young chubby porn big tits fuck the pussy questions and responses to them: nevertheless my anatomist is of a different opinion." CHAP.

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