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Suddenly he saw Wanda, and fixed his cold piercing look upon her; he even turned his head after her, and when she had passed, he stood still and followed her with his eyes. And she—she veritably devoured him with her radiant green eyes—and did everything possible to meet him again. The cunning coquetry with which she walked, moved, and looked at him, almost stifled me.

“What do you want,” she said, “the prince is a man whom I might like, who even dazzles me, and I am free. I can do what I please—” “Don’t you love me any longer—” I stammered, frightened. “I love only you,” she replied, “but I shall have the prince pay court to me.” “Wanda!” “Aren’t you my slave?” she said calmly. “Am I not Venus, the cruel northern Venus in Furs?” I was silent. I felt literally crushed by her words; her cold look entered my heart like a dagger.

“You will find out immediately the wild hot college girl selfies while getting plowed prince’s name, residence, and circumstances,” she continued.

“Do you understand?” “But—” “No argument, obey!” exclaimed Wanda, more sternly than I would have thought possible for her, “and don’t dare to enter my sight until you can wild hot college girl selfies while getting plowed answer my questions.” It was not till afternoon that I could obtain the desired information for Wanda. She let me stand before her like a servant, while wild hot college girl selfies while getting plowed she leaned back in her arm-chair and listened to me, smiling. I obeyed, and after having put it before her and having put her feet on it, I remained kneeling.

“How will this end?” I asked sadly after a short pause. “Why things haven’t even begun yet.” “You are more heartless than I imagined,” I replied, hurt.

“I haven’t done anything yet, not the slightest thing, and you are already calling me heartless. What will happen when I begin to carry your dreams to their realization, when I shall lead a gay, free life and have a circle of admirers about me, when I shall actually fulfil your ideal, tread you underfoot and apply the lash?” “You take my dreams too seriously.” “Too seriously? I can’t stop at make-believe, when once I begin,” she replied.

Did I persuade you or did you inflame my imagination? I am taking things seriously now.” “Wanda,” I replied, caressingly, “listen quietly to me. We love each other infinitely, we are very happy, will you sacrifice our entire future to a whim?” “It is no longer a whim,” she exclaimed. “Something that was probably latent in me,” she said quietly and thoughtfully. “Perhaps it would never have come to light, if you had not called it to life, and made it grow. Now that it has become a powerful impulse, fills my whole being, now that I enjoy it, now that I cannot and do not want to do otherwise, now you want to back out— you—are you a man?” “Dear, sweet Wanda!” I began to caress her, kiss her. “wild hot college girl selfies while getting plowed Don’t—you are not a man—” “And you,” I flared up. I haven’t a strong imagination, and like you I am weak in execution. But when I make up my mind to do something, I carry it through, and the more certainly, the more opposition I meet.

I am not compelling you to be my slave.” “Wanda,” I replied with emotion and tears filling my eyes, “don’t you know how I love you?” Her lips quivered contemptuously.

“You are mistaken, you make yourself out worse than you are; you are good and noble by nature—” “What do you know about my nature,” she interrupted vehemently, “you will get to know me as I am.” “Wanda!” “Decide, will you submit, wild hot college girl selfies while getting plowed unconditionally?” “And if I say no.” “Then—” She stepped close up to me, cold and contemptuous. As she stood before me now, the arms folded across her breast, with an evil smile about her lips, she was in fact the despotic woman of my dreams. Her expression seemed hard, and nothing lay in her eyes that promised kindness or mercy. “You are angry,” I cried, “you will punish me.” “Oh no!” she replied, “I wild hot college girl selfies while getting plowed shall let you go. I am not holding you.” “Wanda—I, who love you so—” “Yes, you, my dear sir, you who adore me,” she exclaimed contemptuously, “but who are a hot girls completely naked and getting fucked hard coward, a boy getting nude while kissing with a girl liar, and a breaker of promises.

Leave me instantly—” “Wanda I—” “Wretch!” My blood rose in my heart. “Leave me—I don’t want to see you again.” “Oh my God!” I cried, beside myself. “I will do whatever you command, be your slave, a mere object with which you can do what you will—only don’t send me away—I can’t bear it—I cannot live without you.” I embraced her knees, and covered her hand with kisses. “Yes, you must be a slave, and feel the lash, for you are not a man,” she said calmly. She said this to me with perfect composure, not angrily, not even excitedly, and it was what hurt most. “Now I know you, your dog-like nature, that adores where it is kicked, and the more, the more it is maltreated.

Now I know you, and now you shall come to know me.” She walked up and down with long strides, while I remained crushed on my knees; my head was hanging supine, tears flowed from my eyes. “Come here,” Wanda commanded harshly, sitting down on the ottoman. She looked at me sombrely, and then a light suddenly seemed to illuminate the interior of her eye.

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