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"Of course a literary man would be interested in the books," said Carhaix, who had been watching Durtal.

I have only the tools of my trade." Durtal went over and took a look. The collection consisted largely of works on bells. He read some of the titles: On the cover of a slim parchment volume he deciphered the faded legend, hand-written, in rust-coloured ink, "_De tintinnabulis_ by Jerome Magius, 1664"; then, pell-mell, there were: _A curious and edifying miscellany concerning church bells_ by Dom Remi Carre; another _Edifying miscellany_, anonymous; a _Treatise of bells_ by Jean-Baptiste Thiers, curate of Champrond and Vibraye; a ponderous tome by an architect named Blavignac; a smaller work entitled _Essay on the symbolism of bells_ by a parish priest of Poitiers; a _Notice_ by the abbe Baraud; then a whole series of brochures, with spots naked fuck covers of grey paper, bearing no titles. "It's no collection at all," said Carhaix with a sigh. "The best ones are wanting, the _De campanis commentarius_ of Angelo Rocca and the _De tintinnabulo_ of Percichellius, but they are so hard to find, and so expensive when you do find them." A glance sufficed for the rest of the books, most of them being pious works, Latin and French Bibles, an _Imitation of Christ_, Gorres' _Mystik_ in five volumes, the abbe Aubert's _History and theory of religious symbolism_, Pluquet's _Dictionary of heresies_, and several lives of saints.

"Ah, monsieur, my own spots naked fuck books are not much account, but Des Hermies lends me what he knows will interest me." "Don't talk so much!" said his wife. "Give monsieur a chance to sit down," and she handed Durtal a brimming glass aromatic with the acidulous perfume of genuine cider. In response to his compliments she told him that the cider came from Brittany and was made by relatives of hers at Landevennec, her and Carhaix's native village. She was delighted when Durtal affirmed that long ago he spots naked fuck had spent a day in Landevennec. "Why, then we know each other already!" she said, shaking hands with him again. The room was heated to suffocation by a stove whose pipe zigzagged over to the window and out through a sheet-iron square nailed to the sash in place of one of the panes. Carhaix and his good wife, with her honest, weak face and frank, kind eyes, were the most restful of people.

Durtal, made drowsy by the warmth and the quiet domesticity, let his thoughts wander. He said to himself, "If I had a place like this, above the roofs of Paris, I would fix it up and make of it a real haven of refuge. Here, in the clouds, alone and spots naked fuck aloof, I would work away on my book and take my time about it, years perhaps.

What inconceivable happiness it would be to escape from the age, and, while the waves of human folly were breaking against the foot of the tower, to sit up here, out of it all, and pore over antique tomes by the shaded light of the lamp." He smiled at the naivete of his daydream. "I certainly do like your place," he said aloud, as if to sum up his reflections. "Oh, you wouldn't if you had to live here," said the good wife. "We have plenty of room, too much room, because there are a couple of bedchambers as big as this, besides plenty of closet space, but it's so inconvenient--and so cold! And no kitchen--" and she pointed to a landing where, blocking the stairway, the cook stove had had to be installed. "And there are so many, many steps to go up when you come back from market.

I am getting old, and I have a twinge of the rheumatics spots naked fuck whenever I think about making the climb." "You can't even drive a nail into this rock wall and have a peg to hang things on," said Carhaix. Now my wife dreams constantly of spending her last days in Landevennec." Des Hermies rose. All shook hands, and monsieur and madame made Durtal swear that he would come again. "What refreshing people!" exclaimed Durtal as he and Des Hermies crossed the square. "And Carhaix is a mine of information." "But tell me, what the devil is an educated man, of no ordinary intelligence, doing, working as a--as a day labourer?" "If Carhaix could hear you! But, my friend, in the Middle Ages bell-ringers were high officials.

True, the craft has declined considerably in modern times. I couldn't tell you myself how Carhaix became hipped on the subject of bells. All I know is that he studied at a seminary in Brittany, that he had scruples of conscience and considered himself unworthy to enter the priesthood, that he came to Paris spots naked fuck and apprenticed himself to a very intellectual master bell-ringer, Pere Gilbert, who had in his cell at Notre Dame some ancient and of course unique plans of Paris that would make your mouth water. He was an naked thick black girl bending over getting fucked enthusiastic collector of documents relating to old Paris. From Notre Dame Carhaix came to Saint Sulpice, fifteen years ago, and has been there ever since." "How did you happen to make his acquaintance?" "First he was my patient, then my friend. Most of them have the shuffling gait and sheepish air of an old gardener." "Carhaix will be amisha patel nude fucked naked sexy photos all right for a few more years," said Des Hermies, as if to himself, "and then let us mercifully wish him a speedy death.

The Church, which has begun by sanctioning the introduction of gas into the chapels, will end by installing mechanical chimes instead of bells.

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