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Germain a dozen of certain machines to bridle the parts of women; they were fashioned of iron and went round like a girdle, and went below and were closed with a key. So cleverly were they fashioned that it was not possible for the women, when once bridled, to arrive at the sweet pleasure, there being but a few small holes in it for pissing. “‘Tis said there were five or six jealous husbands, who bought these machines and bridled their wives with them in such fashion that they might well have said ‘Farewell, happy time,’ had there not been one who bethought her of applying to a locksmith very skilled in his art, to whom she showed the machine, her own, her husband being then out in the fields; and he applied his mind so well to the spock sex symbol matter that he made for her a false key, with which the lady opened or closed the machine at any time and when she willed. “The husband never discovered aught to say on the matter; and the lady gave herself up to her own good pleasure, despite her foolish, jealous, cuckold husband, being ever able to live in the freedom of cuckoldom. But the wicked locksmith who fashioned the false key tasted of it all; and he did well, spock sex symbol so they say, for he was the first to taste of it.

“They say, too, that there were many gallant and honest gentlemen of the court who threatened that ironmonger with death did he ever presume to carry about such merchandise; so much so that he was afraid and returned no more and threw away all the rest, and no more was heard of.

Wherein he was wise, for it were enough to lose half the world, for want of any body to people it, through such bridles, clasps and fastenings of a nature abominable and detestable and enemies to human multiplication.” The troubadour Guillaume de Machault speaks of a key given to him by Agnes of Navarre; this key was obviously intended to unlock a girdle of chastity. Nicolas Chorier, in his erotic _Dialogues of Luisa Sigea_ (Paris: Isidore Liseux, 1890), mentions the apparatus. Although the existence of such girdles has often been denied, “the presence of many undoubted specimens in several of the most important museums of Europe,” says Dr. Jacobus X--(_Ethnology of the Sixth Sense_), “spock sex symbol places their authenticity beyond all doubt.

This custom existed more particularly during the time of the Crusades, ... but a very curious instance is bollywood actress naked sexy pick s fucked mentioned as having occurred as late as the middle of the eighteenth century, for it is recorded that the advocate Feydeau pleaded before the supreme court of Montpellier on behalf of a woman who accused her husband of making her undergo this shameful treatment. (_Petition against the introduction of padlocks or girdles of chastity, Montpellier, 1750.spock sex symbol _)” All this only goes to show that virginity and chastity are two very different things, and that the latter was obviously of more account than the former in the eyes of medi?val man. To a certain extent we seek to preserve the virginity of our daughters; but is there any limit to the precautions with which a jealous husband will fence about his wife? In short, virginity concerns alone her who loses it; is any man’s for the taking. This slight survey of virginity would be incomplete without a reference to the operation of infibulation[18]--the artificial adhesion of the _labia majora_ by means of a ring or stitches with a view to the prevention of sexual intercourse. Kisch, (_The Sexual Life of Woman_: translated by M. Heinemann), quotes the authority of rebel wilson sex scene Ploss-Bartels for saying that this operation is practised by many savage peoples, among them the Bedschas, the spock sex symbol Gallas, the Somalis, the inhabitants of Harrar, at Massaua, etc. [18] _C.f._ the Latin _infibulare_=to clasp, buckle, or button together.

(Smith’s Latin-English dictionary.) The noun _fibula_ can be translated: (1) a clasp, buckle, pin, latchet, brace; (2) a surgical instrument for drawing together the edges of a gaping wound; (3) a ring drawn through the prepuce to prevent copulation. Celsus, Martial and Juvenal use the word in this sense. “The ancient Romans prevented actors from copulating, with the object of preserving their voices. Martial speaks of singers who sometimes broke the ring, and whom it was necessary to bring back again to the blacksmith.” (Jacobus X--, _op. cit._) “The purpose of this practise,” he adds, “is to preserve the chastity of the girls until marriage, when the reverse operative procedure is undertaken. If the husband goes away on a journey, in many cases the operation of infibulation is once more performed upon his wives.

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