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Later while on a journey, they are again separated by divers mischances, Kamar becoming an assistant to a gardener, while Budur, having adopted male garb to preserve her chastity, reaches the dominions of King Armanus. Here she is taken for a king’s son, and Armanus, who is old, gives her his daughter Hayat al-Nufus in marriage and makes her lord of his kingdom. An embarrassing situation now arises, Budur being unable to consummate the marriage or to explain her failure to the bride. Matters come to a crisis on the third night when Hayat speaks out. Hayat al-Nufus caught her by the skirt and clung to her, saying: “O my lord, art thou not ashamed before my father, after all his favour, to neglect me at such a time as this” When Queen Budur heard her words, she sat down in the same place and said: “O my beloved, what is this thou sayest?” She replied: “What I say is that I never saw any so proud of himself as thou. I say not this to incline thee to me; I say it real sex slaves posing only of my fear for thee from King Armanus; because he purposeth, unless thou go real sex hbo streaming in unto me this very night, and real sex slaves posing do away my maidenhead, to strip thee of the kingship on the morrow and banish thee his kingdom; and peradventure his excessive anger may lead him to slay thee.

But I, O my lord, have ruth on thee and give thee fair warning; and it real sex slaves posing is thy right to reck.” Now when Queen Budur heard her speak these words, she bowed her head groundwards awhile in sore perplexity and said in herself: “If I refuse I’m lost; and if I obey I’m shamed. But I am now Queen of all the Ebony Islands and they are under my rule, nor shall I ever again meet my Kamar al-Zaman save in this place; for there is no way for him to his native land but through the Ebony Islands. Verily, I know not what to do in real indian sexy pussy my present case, but I commit my care to Allah who directeth all for the best, for I am no man that I should arise and open this virgin girl.” Then quoth Queen Budur to Hayat al-Nufus: “O my beloved, that I have neglected thee and abstained from thee is in my own despite.” And she told her her whole story from beginning to real sex slaves posing end and showed her person to her, saying: “I conjure you by Allah to keep my counsel, for I have concealed my case only that Allah may re-unite me with my beloved Kamar al-Zaman and then come what may.” ...

The Princess heard her with extreme wonderment and was moved to pity and prayed Allah to re-unite her with her beloved, saying: “Fear nothing, O my sister; but have patience till Allah bring to pass that which must come to pass....

O my sister, verily the breasts of the noble and brave are of secrets the grave; real sex slaves posing and I will not discover thine.” Then they toyed and embraced and kissed and slept till near the Mu’ezzin’s call to dawn-prayer, when Hayat al-Nufus arose and took a pigeon-poult,[58] and cut its throat over her smock and besmeared herself with its blood. Then she pulled off her petticoat-trousers and cried aloud, whereupon her people hastened to her and raised the usual lullilooing and outcries of joy and gladness.... [58] “The belief that young pigeons’ blood resembles the virginal discharge is universal,” says Sir Richard Burton, in a footnote; “but the blood most resembling man’s is that of the pig, which in other points is so very human. In our day Arabs and Hindus rarely submit to inspection the nuptial sheet, as practised by the real sex slaves posing Israelites and Persians. The bride takes to bed a white kerchief with which she staunches the blood and next morning the stains are displayed in the Harem. “_Prima Venus debet esse cruenta_” (Love’s first battle should be bloody), say the Easterns with much truth, and they have no faith in our complaisant creed which allows the hymen-membrane to disappear by any but one accident.” The creed, of course, is not peculiar to the East, and realistic descriptions of this “sanguinary combat” will be found in Nicolas Chorier’s _Dialogues_, _Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure_, (_op.

_C.f._ also the modern custom of including a clean sheet among the bride’s trousseau.

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