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“Do you want me to show you the agreement?” “Untie me!” I threatened, “otherwise—” I tugged at the ropes. “He has threatened to kill me.” “Be entirely at ease,” said the Greek, testing my fetters. “No one will hear you,” replied Wanda, “and no one will hinder me from abusing your most sacred emotions or playing a frivolous game with you.” she continued, repeating with satanic mockery phrases from my letter to her. “Do you think I am at this moment merely cruel and merciless, or am I also about to become cheap? Do you still love me, or do you already hate and despise me? Here is the whip—” She handed it to the Greek who quickly stepped closer. “Don’t you dare!” I exclaimed, trembling with indignation, “I won’t permit it—” “Oh, because I don’t wear furs,” the Greek replied with an ironical smile, and he took his short sable from the bed. “You are adorable,” exclaimed Wanda, kissing him, and helping him into his furs. The Greek fixed his cold tigerish look upon me and tried out the whip. His muscles swelled when he drew back his arms, and made the whip hiss through the air. I was bound like Marsyas while Apollo was getting ready to flay me. My look wandered about the room and remained fixed on the ceiling, where Samson, lying at Delilah’s feet, was about to have his eyes put out by the Philistines. The picture at that moment seemed to me like a symbol, an eternal parable of passion and lust, of the love of man for woman.

“Each one of us in the end is a Samson,” I thought, “and ultimately for better or worse is betrayed by the woman he loves, whether he wears an ordinary coat or sables.” “Now watch me break him in,” said the Greek. He showed his teeth, and his face acquired the blood-thirsty expression, which startled me the first time I saw him.

And he began to apply the lash—so mercilessly, with such frightful force that I quivered under each blow, and began to tremble all over with pain. In the meantime Wanda lay on the ottoman in her fur-jacket, supporting herself on her arm; she looked on with cruel curiosity, and was convulsed with laughter.

The sensation of being whipped by a successful rival before the eyes of an adored woman cannot be described. What was most humiliating was that at first I felt a certain wild, supersensual stimulation under Apollo’s whip and the cruel laughter of my Venus, no matter how horrible my position was. But Apollo whipped on and on, blow after blow, real gals caught naked until I forgot all about poetry, and finally gritted really tan girls naked my teeth in impotent rage, and cursed my wild dreams, woman, and love. All of a sudden I saw with horrible clarity whither blind passion and lust have led man, ever since Holofernes and Agamemnon—into a blind alley, into the net of woman’s treachery, into misery, slavery, and death. I wound like a worm that is trodden on, but he whipped on without mercy, real sexy naked exwife and she continued to laugh without mercy. In the meantime she locked her packed trunk and slipped into her travelling furs, and was still real gals caught naked laughing, when she went downstairs on his arm and entered the carriage. The carriage door slammed, the horse began to pull—the rolling of the carriage for a short time—then all was over. * * * * * For a moment I thought of taking vengeance, of killing him, but I was bound by the abominable agreement. So nothing was left for me to do except to keep my pledged word and grit my teeth. * * * * * My first impulse after this, the most cruel catastrophe of my real gals caught naked life, was to seek laborious tasks, dangers, and privations. I wanted to become a soldier real gals caught naked and go to Asia or Algiers, but my father was old and ill and wanted me. So I quietly returned home and for real gals caught naked two years helped him bear his burdens, and learned how to look after the estate which I had never done before. To _labor_ and to _do my duty_ was comforting like a drink of fresh water. Then my father died, and I inherited the estate, but it meant no change. I had put on my own Spanish boots and went on living just as rationally as if the old man were standing behind me, looking over my shoulder with his large wise eyes.

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