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Tiresias, having been both a man and a woman, decided in favour of women.... In a passage quoted from a lost work of Galen by the Arabian biographer, Abu-l-Faraj, that great physician says of the Christians ‘that they practice celibacy, that even many of their women do so.’ So that in Galen’s opinion it was more difficult for a woman than for a man to be continent. The same view is widely prevalent among Arabic authors, and there is an Arabic saying that ‘The longing of the woman for the penis is greater than that of the man for the vulva.’[71] [71] _The Perfumed Garden of the Cheikh Nefzaoui_: Cosmopoli, 1886. “The early Christian Fathers clearly show that they regard women as more inclined to sexual enjoyment than men. the opinion of Tertullian (_De Virginibus Velandis_), and it is clearly implied in some of St. “Notwithstanding the influence of Christianity, among the vigorous barbarian races of medi?val Europe the existence of sexual appetite in women was not considered to be, as it later became, a matter to be concealed or denied. Thus in 1068 the ecclesiastical historian, Ordericus Vitalis (himself half Norman and half English), narrates that the wives of the Norman knights who had accompanied William the Conqueror to England two years earlier sent over to their husbands to say that they were consumed by the fierce flames of desire, and real black teens naked that if their husbands failed to return very shortly they proposed to take other husbands. It is added that this threat brought a few husbands back to their wanton ladies. “During the medi?val period in Europe, largely in consequence, no doubt, of the predominance of ascetic ideals set up by men who naturally regarded women as the symbol of sex, the doctrine of the incontinence of woman became firmly fixed.... Humanism and the spread of the Renaissance movement brought in a spirit more sympathetic to women....

We begin to find attempts at analysing the sexual emotions. In the seventeenth century a book of this kind was written by Venette. In real black teens naked matters of love, Venette declared, ‘men are but children compared to women. In these matters women have a more lively imagination, and they usually have more leisure to think of love.

Women are much more real black teens naked lascivious and amorous than men.’ In a subsequent chapter, dealing with the question whether men or women receive more pleasure from the sexual embrace, Venette concludes, after admitting the great difficulty of the question, that man’s pleasure is greater, but that woman’s lasts longer.

Venette, _De la Generation de l’Homme ou Tableau de l’Amour Conjugal_, 1688).” These and similar quotations, all acknowledging or laying stress on the erotic appetite of women, might be continued indefinitely.

Among the other supporters of the opinion quoted by Havelock Ellis are Montaigne (_Essais_), Schurig (_Parthenologia_), Plazzonus (_De Partibus Generationi Inservientibus_), Ferrand (_De la Maladie d’Amour_), Zacchia (_Qu?stiones Medico-Legales_), Sinibaldus (_Geneanthropeia_), Senancour (_De l’Amour_), Busch, Guttceit,[72] Mantegazza (_Fisiologia del Piacere_), Forel (_The Sexual Question_), who believed that women are more erotic than men, and Bloch (_The Sexual Life of Our Time_), who says, “The sexual sensibility of women is certainly different from that of men, but in strength it is at least as great.” [72] “In Russia at all events, a girl, as very many have acknowledged to me, cannot resist the ever-stronger impulses of sex beyond the twenty-second or twenty-third year. And if she cannot do so in natural ways she adopts artificial ways.

The belief that the feminine sex feels the stimulus of sex less than the male is quite false.”--Guttceit, _Dreissig Jahre Praxis_, 1873.

For our part, we find it hard to ignore that overwhelming real black teens naked consensus of opinion among early writers as to the real black teens naked erotic nature of the average woman. Was not this feminine amativeness the theme upon which were built the undying _contes_ and _fabliaux_ of Boccaccio, Bandello, Masuccio, Straparola, La Fontaine, Poggio, Ser Giovanni, Chaucer, Brantome and a host of others? Are we to label Casanova’s _Memoirs_ as worthless because his women seem, in our modern eyes, erotic beyond all belief? Turning to the literature of the East, where woman’s ‘thirst for coition is written between her eyes,’[73] are we to hold the feminine attributes therein described as peculiar to those peoples and times? Must we believe that all these writers fashioned women out of their own lascivious fancy, or real black teens naked that the sexual impulse in the women of those races has totally changed? [73] _The Perfumed Garden._ As illustrating our subject, the Cheikh Nefzaoui tells a quaint story of a man who, owing to physical real black teens naked disability, was unable to satisfy the sexual needs of his wife. A wise man gives him a remedy whereby his member grows “long and thick.” The Cheikh continues: “When his wife saw it in that state she was surprised, but it came still better when he made her feel in the matter of enjoyment quite another thing than she had been accustomed to experience; he began in fact to work her with his tool in quite a remarkable manner, to such a point that she rattled and sighed and sobbed during the operation. As soon as the wife found in her husband such eminently good qualities, she gave him her fortune, and placed her person and all she had at his disposal.” Without a doubt, time and custom are responsible for much that seems obscure and irreconcilable.

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