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I chose thee out who art not menstruous or oviparous_: _Did I with women mell, I should beget brats till the wide wide world grew strait for us._ “And yet another:-- _She saith_ (_sore hurt in sense the most acute, for she had proffered what did not besuit_):-- ‘_Unless thou stroke as man should swive his wife, blame not when horns thy brow shall incornute!_ ‘_Thy wand seems waxen, to a limpo grown: and more I palm it, softer grows the brute!_’ “And yet another:-- _Quoth she (for I to lie with her forbore), ‘O folly-following fool, O fool to core_: ‘_If thou my coynte for Kiblah[61] to thy coigne reject, we’ll show thee what shall please thee more._’[62] [61] Note by Sir Richard Burton: Kiblah = the fronting place of prayer; Mecca for Moslems, Jerusalem for Jews and early Christians. [62] Note by Sir Richard Burton: The Koran says (chap. 2): “Your wives are your tillage: go in therefore unto your tillage in what manner soever you will.” Usually this is understood as meaning in any posture, standing or sitting, lying, backwards or forwards. Yet there is a popular saying about the man whom the woman rides (vulg.

George_; in France, _le postillion_): “Cursed be he who maketh woman Heaven and himself earth!” Some hold the Koranic rape young hairy pussy passage to have been revealed in confutation of the Jews, who pretended that if a man lay with his wife backwards, he would beget a cleverer child. Others again understood it of preposterous venery; which is absurd: every ancient law-giver framed his code to increase the true wealth of the people--population--and severely punished all processes, like onanism, which impeded it. The Persians utilise the hatred of women for such misuse when they would force a wife to demand a divorce and thus forfeit her claim to dowry; they convert them into catamites till, after a month or so, they lose all patience and leave the house.

We do not rape young hairy pussy propose to add to Sir Richard’s note, reserving our remarks on the subject for their proper place in a subsequent volume. “And yet another:-- _She proffered me a tender coynte: Quoth I, ‘I will not roger thee!’_ _She drew back, saying, ‘From the Faith he turns, who’s turned by Heaven’s decree!_[63] [63] Note by Sir Richard: Koran 51, 9, alluding, in the text, to the preposterous venery her lover demands. _’And front-wise futtering, in one day, is obsolete persistency!’_ _Then swung she round and shining rump like silvern lump she showed me!_ _I cried: ‘Well done, O mistress mine! No more am I in pain for thee;_ _’O thou of all that Allah oped[64] showest me fairest victory!’_ [64] Note by Sir Richard: Arab “Futuh,” meaning openings, and also victories, benefits.

The lover congratulates her on her mortifying self in order to please him. “And yet another:-- _Men craving pardon will uphold their hands; women pray pardon with their legs on high:_[65] [65] _Vide_ note to _Excursus_ to this story, p. The Lord shall raise it in the depths rape young hairy pussy to lie._”[66] [66] Note by Sir Richard: “And the righteous work will be exalt.” (Koran 35, 11). When Kamar al-Zaman heard her quote this poetry, and was certified that there was no escaping compliance with what willed she, he said: “O King of the age, if thou must needs have it so, make covenant with me that thou wilt do this thing with me but once, though it avail not to correct thy depraved appetite; and that thou wilt never again require this thing of me to the end of time; so perchance shall Allah purge me of the sin.” She replied: “I promise thee this same, hoping that Allah of His favour will relent toward us and blot out our mortal offence; rape young hairy pussy for the girdle of Heaven’s forgiveness is not indeed so strait, but it may compass us around and absolve us of the excess of our heinous sins and bring us to the light of salvation out of the darkness of error; and indeed excellently well saith the poet:-- _Of evil thing the folk suspect us twain; and to this thought their hearts and souls are bent:_ _Come, dear! let’s justify and free their souls that wrong us; one good bout and then--repent!”_ Thereupon she made with him an agreement and a covenant and swore a solemn oath by Him who is Self-existent, that this thing should befall betwixt them but once and never again rape young hairy pussy for all time, and that the desire of him was driving her to death and perdition.

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