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Pussy upside down porn

“No, no,” said he, “you shall not escape my cuts, I assure you,” cutting at the lovely delicate buttocks with all his might. sir; mercy, mercy; I can’t bear it.” “You must bear it, you young rascal you shall have no mercy until I have made your bottom bleed for your crime.” The poor youth, from the pain he was suffering, bounded up and down on the sofa as he felt the stinging blows descend upon his bottom. This action caused his standing cock to rub up and down in the doctor’s warm hand, who seemed to have accidently laid hold of it. The effect was such that the poor youth hardly knew whether he felt most pleasure or pain, for while his posteriors were of a burning heat, the warmth flew to the opposite part, which was so deliciously clasped in the doctor’s caressing hand.

He ground his teeth with pleasure and pain, he ceased to cry out, but sobbed and moaned with the excess of indefinable feelings. The doctor never ceased lecturing him, dwelling continually on the beauties of his lovely young cousin and the scene in the arbour. He thought but of her, of her lovely pink little slit so sweetly shaded with soft downy short curls; how she had so charmingly caressed his cock, until he felt a heave and a shudder, another, a sensation as if he was going to expire, a short cry, a catching of his breath. Wildly and vigorously he thrust his member down on the doctor’s warm hand, he shut his eyes, he felt not the rod, although the doctor redoubled the strokes with all the force of his arm, and drew blood at every cut. A bound, a convulsive start, and he felt as if his lifeblood were coming from him—out it spurted in large drops on the sofa and on pussy upside down porn the doctor’s hand. The youth had with difficulty shed another tribute to Venus. For a moment or two he felt as if in paradise, but a sharp cut from the rod quickly aroused him. “Why, you young rascal, what is this you have been doing on my best sofa, eh, sir?” said the doctor.

sir; indeed I—that is—indeed, I don’t pussy upside down porn know.” “No lies or evasions here, sir, for they will not avail you. I never saw the like of this in my life, I declare,” and he examined it with his eyeglass, saying more to the same effect. Poor Master Dale was, we know, quite in the dark as to what it could be, or how it came there. “Has this ever occurred to you before,” asked the doctor.

“Yes, sir, yesterday, when my cousin was caressing it in her mouth,” replied the pussy upside down porn frightened youth, “but I really don’t know how it pussy upside down porn happened, and did not mean any harm.” “Oh, indeed!” said the doctor, “your mother did not mention pussy upside down porn that, did she see you?” “No, sir, it happened just as she was coming through the shrubbery, pussy upside down porn and was all over before she reached the arbour.” “And so your cousin took it into her mouth, why did she do that?” “She was curious to see what was under the skin of its head, and finding it would pussy teasing porn gif not go back without hurting me, she put it into her mouth to wet it and make it go back easier, which it first time vergin puss xxx porn free vidio downlod did for the first time; she pulled it forward again, and again put it into her mouth to push the skin back with her lips, when I felt funny all over, and something came out of me into her mouth.” “Indeed!

Well, you must tell me all about that another time. This flogging will be enough for the present, but I shall punish you for your nastiness some other time. Put up your trousers, in a day or two I shall want you in this room to pay for your dirty conduct.” The poor boy retired, sobbing hysterically. The second day after this the doctor sent for Master Dale, who, in the meantime, had occupied the bedroom next to mine. The doctor was in his private room in his dressing-gown, long and pussy upside down porn flowing, so that for the moment it concealed the fact that he had nothing but his shirt on below it. He received Master Dale somewhat sternly, saying— “Now, sir, for your punishment for your last nasty misconduct.” “Oh, sir,” said the frightened and trembling youth, “I really could not help it,” and he began to cry.

pray, sir, don’t flog me so young chubby porn big tits fuck the pussy hard again.” “The more trouble that you give me, the harder will be the flogging. Now take off your jacket and waistcoat.” The youth did so. “Now come close to me.” The doctor then lowered down Dale’s trousers, and raising his shirt, contemplated with great pleasure the pretty belly of the lovely boy, and then turning him round, under pretence of seeing if the weals of the last flogging were still visible, he gazed on his white firm backside and swelling thighs, examining the marks still left from the previous punishment.

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