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Dale whispered to me to come to them after the domestics had gone to bed. I went and fucked them both three times, twice in front and once behind, the one who was being fucked pussy small girl blood always gamahuching the other. Dale arose, unbolted the door of communication with uncle’s room, and invited him to Ellen’s arms, who was very glad to have a little further experience of another man’s prick.

Uncle gallantly gamahuched her before fucking her, then begged pussy small girl blood to see my wonderful prick, pretended to be perfectly astonished at its monstrous dimensions, and wondered how Ellen’s little cunt could ever have taken it in. It was a tight fit certainly, but the dear creature liked it none the worse for that. After enjoying our first movements, and being excited into sufficient consistency, he proceeded to fuck dear Ellen; even he had some difficulty in entering, notwithstanding the libations I had previously poured into her, but being once fairly hilted, he declared it was one of the tightest little cunts it had ever been his good fortune to fuck. After this, we proceeded each our way, and with a longer interval, brought matters to the exquisite conclusion, panting and throbbing for some time afterwards. The doctor now retired, and we arranged ourselves for repose. We were awakened in the morning by the entrance of aunt and Harry.

He flew to his mamma’s arms, who lay down on Ellen to gamahuche her while Harry was fucking her.

Uncle entered while we were in full operation, and seeing the tempting backside of pussy small girl blood Harry, scrambled up behind and fucked his bottom. After we had done, aunt pretended to be shocked at his attack on a boy’s bottom—a woman’s was a different thing. “Well, then, my dear, get upon Charlie the next time, and I shall fuck your truly magnificent bottom.” And he drew Mrs.

Dale’s attention to the glorious proportions, not only of aunt’s bottom, but of her body, and all her limbs. I have not forgotten the exquisite pleasure you gave me in that way.” “Willingly,” cried my aunt, “provided you give me your clitoris to occupy me.” “Certainly, that will suit me admirably; but you must lie upon me, that I may have the pleasure of gazing on that magnificent bottom, and caressing the immense rotundities of your buttocks.” Oh, it was a glorious sight to see these two wanton lascivious women in the full enjoyment of each other.

It set us all on fire, and the moment they had done I slaked the fire within me in the capacious but tight cunt of my aunt, while uncle fucked her bottom-hole. Dale lay under Ellen, while Harry fucked Ellen from behind, and Ellen gamahuched her aunt, who herself guided her son’s prick into Ellen’s cunt, and tickled her clitoris, at the same time acting postillion to her son’s bottom-hole. it was a splendid bout—we were pussy small girl blood all so excited and it was also the first meeting of us all in one orgie. We all died away in a perfect heaven of ecstasy, and lay long in the after-enjoyment. Our previous night’s work made this the last for the time, and we all separated to seek some welcome repose before breakfast time. Dale remained our visitor for three days, during which we pussy small girl blood met in the doctor’s bedroom every night, and renewed our delicious orgies. Dale carried off her son and niece, and I promised to come over to her cottage on the following Saturday, when Harry and I took turn and turn about with the two dear creatures, sometimes fucking one between us two at once. Dale and Ellen always dined at the rectory on Sunday and pussy small girl blood slept there, when we made a general orgie in the old style. This continued until our midsummer holidays, when I was to leave the rectory for King’s College.

Dale’s and Ellen’s pregnancies, daily becoming nearer to the period of parturition, were getting more difficult to conceal. We had long discussions with uncle as to what was best to be done. It was at last arranged that they should leave the cottage as if for a tour on the continent, but in reality should only go to Paris, and take apartments in the house of a good _accoucheuse_ in the environs, and remain quiet there till the period of delivery.

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