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That Ellen slept with her, so that it became doubly necessary to gain her confidence. This being arranged before we reached church, we entered. I have had no opportunity, even if she would have consented. I have been playing the ingenuous youth to help Harry with his cousin. I thought we had somewhat thrown her off her guard, but she was still jealous and watched him closely. Ellen slept with her, which rendered things more difficult for Harry. She has closely examined me as to the sort of intimacy existing between us. I threw such an air of candour and innocence over my replies that she was quite pussy porn moving pics delighted Harry had met with such a companion. I pussy porn moving pics fully expect she will break out in praises of my _modest_ and discreet conduct.” Indeed, so it turned out, and Mrs. Dale did it with such an air of candour that aunt was quite convinced nothing as yet had occurred between us. While the ladies discussed the dresses and bonnets of all who had appeared in church, uncle took Harry and me for a walk in the garden until luncheon was ready. Here he began, as aunt had young chubby porn big tits fuck the pussy done, to question us as to our proceedings, and the reason for Mrs. The same replies that had satisfied aunt satisfied him that nothing as yet had taken place beyond my gaining the confidence of Mrs. “My dear Charlie,” said uncle, “you have only now to manage somehow or other to let her see your great big cock without apparently your being aware of it, and I will warrant, from my knowledge of woman’s nature, that she will find a way to have you, only mind you play the innocent, and be very awkward, and let her appear to teach you, which will give double dave the barbarian porn pics pleasure and prevent any questioning as to how you have gained your instruction, if she thought you instructed.” I smiled inwardly at these sage directions, and thought how completely all persons knowing in the pussy porn moving pics ways of the world gave the same advice. But little did uncle then think that I had acted up to the very letter what he was advising for my future conduct. Dale complimented the doctor on the advance her son had made both in manners and instruction, and quite naturally congratulated herself on his finding so very modest and gentlemanly a companion in the doctor’s nephew—myself to wit. Returning home, Ellen begged she might be allowed to walk, doubtless calculating on having Harry for a companion. But mamma, while agreeing to her request, was still sufficiently on her guard to take Harry in the phaeton, and leave me to escort Ellen. Ellen blushed, but took my arm as we left the rectory. Uncle gave me a pussy porn moving pics knowing look, and a glance at Ellen, as we parted, as much as to say, I guess what will happen.

We walked away steadily enough until the first hedge hid us. I stopped, and embraced Ellen tenderly, saying how glad I was pussy porn moving pics to be able to congratulate her on the happy chance her aunt had given her, by coming to me for the night. She was a good deal confused at thinking that I should know how she passed the night. I rallied her upon this, told her that no secret existed between Harry and me, and that, in fact, if I had not lent myself to the game, she would not have had the opportunity for the great pleasure she must have had in Harry’s arms. I knew she had not had much, but I wished to draw her on, and to make her open out as to her feelings, being determined to make the most of any confidence on her part. She replied that, indeed, she had done nothing but suffer, and would not have allowed Harry to do what he did if she had known the pain it would give her, she had been deceived by seeing how much aunt had seemed to enjoy what was so greatly superior in size pussy pics pornagraphy to what Harry had. I smiled at her allusion to the size of my pego, and knowing that her curiosity must be creating in her a desire to see it, I told her it was well for her, in the first instance, to have had the smaller weapon to penetrate her, and that now she would never again suffer, even by the introduction of so large a one as mine.

“Oh, but when I think of the immense size of yours, I could never dare to allow you to try, although aunt did seem to enjoy it, when you pushed it in with such force.” “My dear Ellen, it was the size alone that tempted mamma, and if I had not been larger than Harry, I doubt if ever she would have come to me at night.” “But how could she dare to do so?” “Curiosity to enjoy an unusually large cock, my dear.” “Did you know she was coming?” “Yes, and no.

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