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Presently, at a sign from Francisco, his companion hoisted me up by the ancle again, and did it so tightly that I was frightfully stretched by my arms and leg; which were drawn as painfully tight as he could make it, the fastenings cutting into the flesh so that I bear the marks to this very day, I could see that Francisco was again preparing his godemiche with oil, but he did not put any upon my person. Horrified at the sight, I begged and implored them in the most piteous manner not to degrade me again with that disgusting instrument, promising to pay the Church any amount for absolution rather than endure it again.

“Too late, too late, your repentance is not sincere, besides, the other day we saw with our eyes how your pussy licking teen boy lascivious nature responded to the thrusts of this thing in your cunt, now I am going to degrade your bottom-hole by inserting it there, pussy licking teen boy however painful the operation may prove,” saying which he seized, and held my left leg under his arm, and standing close to my body at once proceeded to carry out his infernal idea of ravishing my anus. Lacerated, bleeding, and sore as my bottom was at the least touch, and regardless of my piercing shrieks, he forced the oily head of the india rubber thing quite into my tightly contracted bum-hole, the pain was intense, as it seemed to rend the lining tissue of the anal canal in its passage, and the bristles round its root added, if possible, still more to the intensity of my suffering. I believe, that giving one long shriek of agony, I lost consciousness for pics of sexy nude teen lesbians pussy dripping wet a time, but only to awake and find them laughing and jeering at my sufferings, as the one worked his dildoe in my bottom, whilst the other had thrust two or three fingers up my blood-stained and wounded cunt. It is quite indescribable what I felt at this outrage, the accumulation of shame, agony and horror so overpowered my exhausted nature, that I went off again into such a death-like swoon, that they really feared I was dead, and made haste to let me down as well as apply strong restoratives.

My hands were still retained in the rings on the floor, and the godemiche was left sticking in my bottom, the spasmodic contractions of the sphincter muscle holding it as in a vice, whilst the pulsations of the violated passage behind were still awfully painful. All this was apparent to me as I slowly came to myself once more, and could see the excited looks of my cruel Confessors, who proceeded to sprinkle me with cold water, and use a large sponge for the purpose of both refreshing me and allowing them to gloat over the extent of my hurts. This lasted a little pussy licking teen boy while, then I was made to get up on my hands and knees, facing Francisco, who then opened his frock, so as to show me the excited state of his prick, at pussy licking teen boy the same time, with a malicious look of fiendish joy, he asked me, “If I should not like to suck such a delightful sweetmeat?” Then seeing my look of intense disgust, he burst into a rage, saying, “Oh! So you mean to insult me as you did the Lady Superior of the Ursulines, do you, Lucille? You may think I am disgusting and nasty, or I smell strong as she did, and I may tell you, to make you relish it still more, that scarcely an hour ago it was up the strong smelling cunt of that very same lady, and I was careful not to wash, so that you might have the full benefit of the delicious aroma of her spendings.” Speechless with disgust, and helpless in every way, it was useless for me to appeal for mercy or consideration from two such heartless beings; the only thing I could do was to close my eyes to the awful sight. But only for a moment, a tremendous whack from Father Anthony, who had taken up the scourge, made me shriek out again, “Ah! Will you never finish me off, and kill me in mercy?” The only answer I had was a quick repetition of the blow, whilst the repulsive Francisco’s right hand, clutching my hair, pulled my head up, and drew it back so painfully, that I gasped for breath. This was exactly what he wanted, and, in a moment, his prick was forced into my mouth. The sensation pussy licking teen boy was so repulsive, horrible, and choking all at once, that I had not the presence of mind to bite, or he would have repented the act ever after.

Old Anthony was cutting my back, bottom, thighs, and loins, even the calves of my legs not escaping his frenzied scourging.

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