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"After these abominable pastimes he may well believe that the art of the charnalist has beneath his fingers expressed its last drop of pus, and in a vaunting cry he says to his troop of parasites, "There is no man on earth who dare do sexy tight pussy teen girl fingering virgin pussy as I have done.' "But if in Love and Well-doing the infinite is monica sweetheart fresh teen pussy approachable for certain souls, the out-of-the-world possibilities of Evil are limited. In his excesses of stupration and murder the Marshal cannot go beyond a fixed point.

In vain he may dream of unique violations, of more ingenious slow tortures, but human imagination has a limit and he has already reached it--even passed it, with diabolic aid. Insatiable he seethes--there is nothing material in which to express his ideal. He can verify that axiom of demonographers, that the Evil One dupes all persons who give themselves, or are willing to give themselves, to him. "As he can descend no further, he tries returning on the way by which he has come, but now remorse overtakes him, overwhelms him, and wrenches him without respite. Besieged by phantoms, he howls like a wounded beast. He is found rushing along the solitary corridors of the chateau.

He weeps, throws himself on his knees, swears to God that he will do pussy in leggings teen penance. He does establish, at Machecoul, a boys' academy in honour of the Holy Innocents. He speaks of shutting himself up in a cloister, of going to Jerusalem, begging his bread on the way. "But in this fickle and aberrated mind ideas superpose themselves on each other, then pass away, and those monica sweetheart fresh teen pussy which disappear leave their shadow on those which follow. Abruptly, monica sweetheart fresh teen pussy even while weeping with distress, he precipitates himself into new debauches and, raving with delirium, hurls himself upon the child brought to him, gouges out the eyes, runs his finger around the bloody, milky socket, then he seizes a spiked club and crushes the skull. And while the gurgling blood runs monica sweetheart fresh teen pussy over him, he stands, smeared with spattered brains, and grinds his teeth and laughs. Like a hunted beast he flees into the wood, while his henchmen remove the crimson stains from the ground and dispose prudently of the corpse and the reeking garments.

"He wanders in the forests surrounding Tiffauges, dark, impenetrable forests like those which Brittany still can show at Carnoet. He attempts to thrust aside the phantoms which accost him. Then he looks about him and beholds obscenity in the shapes of the aged trees.

It seems that nature perverts itself before him, that his very presence depraves it. For the first time he understands the motionless lubricity of trees. "Here a tree appears to him as a living being, standing on its root-tressed head, its limbs waving in the air and spread wide apart, subdivided and re-subdivided into haunches, which again are divided and re-subdivided. Here between two limbs another branch is jammed, in a stationary fornication which is reproduced in diminished scale from bough to twig to the top of the tree. There it seems the trunk monica sweetheart fresh teen pussy is a phallus which mounts and disappears into a skirt fresh teens pussy hymen defloration flash pictures of leaves or which, on the contrary, issues from a green clout and plunges into the glossy belly of the earth. He sees the skin of little boys, the lucid white skin, vellum-like, monica sweetheart fresh teen pussy in the pale, smooth bark of the slender beeches. He recognizes the pachydermatous skin of the beggar boys in the dark and wrinkled envelope of the old oaks.

Beside the bifurcations of the branches there are yawning holes, puckered orifices in the bark, simulating emunctoria, or the protruding anus of a beast. In the joints of the branches there are other visions, elbows, armpits furred with grey lichens. Even in the trunks there are incisions which spread out into great lips beneath tufts of brown, velvety moss. "Everywhere obscene forms rise real teens shown pussy from the ground and spring, disordered, into a firmament which satanizes.

The clouds swell into breasts, divide into buttocks, bulge as if with fecundity, scattering a train of spawn through space. They accord with the sombre bulging of the foliage, in which now there are only images of giant or dwarf hips, feminine triangles, great V's, mouths of Sodom, glowing cicatrices, humid vents. Gilles now sees on the trunks frightful cancers and horrible wens. He observes exostoses and ulcers, membranous sores, tubercular chancres, atrocious caries. "And there, at a detour of the forest aisle, stands a mottled red beech. "Amid the sanguinary falling leaves he feels that he has been spattered by a shower of blood. He conceives the delusion that beneath the bark lives a wood nymph, and he would feel with his hands the palpitant flesh of the goddess, he would trucidate the Dryad, violate her in a place unknown to the follies of men.

"He is jealous of the woodman who can murder, can massacre, the trees, and he raves. Tensely he listens and hears in the soughing wind a response to his cries of desire. Overwhelmed, he resumes his walk, weeping, until he arrives at the chateau and sinks to his bed exhausted, an inert mass. "The phantoms take more definite shape, now that he sleeps.

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