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Men eating and fingering wet pussy

Her foolish husband was much vexed and astonished, and knew not what to say or do. He sent forthwith for his mother-in-law, who was not long in coming. “What doth she want?” And while she spoke, she walked to the patient’s chamber.

As soon as the mother perceived her daughter, she inquired of her as to her trouble, and the girl, being naked women swimming naked with men and having sex well instructed in what she men eating and fingering wet pussy must do, answered not at first, but, after a while, said: “Mother, I am dying.” “Please God, thou shalt not die! But how cometh it that thou art fallen ill so suddenly?” “I know not! “Thou dost men eating and fingering wet pussy madden me by these questions.” The mother took the daughter’s hand, and felt her pulse, her body and her head; then she said to her son-in-law: “In sooth, she is sorely ill.

Hast aught of her water?” “That which she made last night is there,” said one of the attendants. She took the urine, and put it in a proper vessel, and told her son-in-law that she would show it to a physician, that he might know what he might do to her daughter to cure her.

“I have still some money, but I love my daughter better than money.” “Spare!” said he. “If money can help, I will not fail her.” “When thou goest,[110] and while she is resting,” said the mother, “I will go home; but I will return an I am needed.” [110] The text here is somewhat obscure. Douglas translates “No need to go so fast.” Now it should be known that the old woman on the previous day, when she quitted her daughter, had instructed the physician, who was well aware of what he must say.

So the young man carried his wife’s water to the physician, and, having saluted him, related how sick and suffering was his wife.

“And I have brought some of her water that thou mayest judge how sick she is, and the more easily cure her,” said the young man.

The physician took the vessel of urine, and, turning it about and examining it, said: “Thy wife young wet big shave pussy ofmaxican image is sore afflicted with illness and in peril of death unless succour be forthcoming. master, for the love of God, tell me what to do, very young girls eating pussy and having anal sex and I will pay thee well canst thou restore her to health and prevent her from dying!” “She need not die an thou obeyest my commands,” quoth the physician. “But if thou dost not make haste, all the money in the world will not save her from death.” “Tell me, for Gods sake, what to do,” said the other, “and I will do it.” “She must have connection with a man or she will die,” answered the physician. “What is that?” “It meaneth,” continued the doctor, “that thou must mount on top of her, and speedily men eating and fingering wet pussy ram her three or four times, or more if thou canst; otherwise, the great heat which doth consume and kill her, will not be extinguished.” “That will be good for her?” “She is a dead woman,” answered the physician, “an thou pics of sexy nude teen lesbians pussy dripping wet do it not and do it quickly.” “By St. John!” said the other, “I will try what I can do.” With that he went home and found his wife, who was groaning and lamenting loudly. “I have conversed with the physician, who hath told me what medicine will cure thee.” And, as he spoke, he fell to undressing, and lay down beside his wife, and began to execute in clumsy fashion the orders he had received from the physician. “Wouldst men eating and fingering wet pussy kill me?” “Nay, I am about to cure thee,” said he. “The physician hath assured me.” And Nature instructing and the patient assisting, he performed upon her twice or thrice.

When resting from his labours, much astonished at what had befallen, he asked his wife how she was. “I am a little better than I was hitherto,” she replied. “I hope thou wilt get well and that the physician hath spoken truly.” And with that he fell to again. To cut matters short, he performed so well that his wife was cured in a few days, whereat he was very joyful, as was the mother when she knew of it. Ever afterwards our Champenois became a better fellow than heretofore, and men eating and fingering wet pussy his wife being now restored to health, he one day invited all his friends and relatives to dine with him, and also the father and mother of his wife, and he served good cheer after his own fashion.

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