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"I love it!" And through her mind went the words: It's the nicest, nicest woman's arse as is! "But that is really rather extraordinary, because there's no denying it's an encumbrance. But then I suppose a woman doesn't take a supreme pleasure in the life of the mind." "Supreme pleasure?" she said, looking up at him. "Is that sort of idiocy the supreme pleasure of the life of the mind? I believe the life of the body is a greater reality than the life of the mind: when the body is really wakened to life. But so many people, like your famous wind-machine, have only got minds tacked on to mature women in thong butt outdoor their physical corpses." He looked at her in wonder. "The life mature white women fucks asian guy of the body," he said, "is just the life of the animals." "And that's better than the life of professional corpses.

With the Greeks it gave a lovely flicker, then Plato and Aristotle killed it, and Jesus finished it off.

But now the body is coming really to life, it is really rising from the tomb. And it will be a lovely, lovely life in the lovely universe, the life of the human body." "My dear, you speak as if you were ushering it all in!

True, you are going away on a holiday: but don't please be quite so indecently elated about it. Believe me, whatever God there is is slowly eliminating the guts and alimentary system from the human being, to evolve a higher, more spiritual being." "Why should I believe you, Clifford, when I feel that whatever God there is has at last wakened up in my guts, as you call them, and is rippling so happily there, like dawn. Why should I believe you, when I feel so very much the contrary?" "Oh, exactly! And what has caused this extraordinary change in you? Running out stark naked in the mature women in thong butt outdoor rain, and playing Bacchante? Desire for sensation, or the anticipation of going to Venice?" "Both! Do you think it is horrid of me to be so thrilled at going off?" she said. "Rather horrid to show it so plainly." "Then I'll hide it." "Oh, don't trouble! I almost feel that it is _I_ who am going off." "Well, why don't you come?" "We've gone over all that. And as a matter of fact, I suppose mature women in thong butt outdoor your greatest thrill comes from being able to say a temporary farewell to all this. Nothing so thrilling, for the moment, as Good-bye-to-it-all! And every meeting is a new bondage." "I'm not going to enter any new bondages." "Don't boast, while the gods are listening," he said. But she was thrilled, none the less, to be going off: to feel bonds snap. Clifford, who couldn't sleep, gambled all night with Mrs. Connie had arranged with Mellors that if everything promised well for their night together, she would hang a green shawl out of the window. "It will be so good for your ladyship to have a change." "I think it will. You don't mind having Sir Clifford on your hands alone for a mature women in thong butt outdoor time, do you?" "Oh, no! Don't you think he's better than he used to be?" "Oh much! But men are all alike: just babies, and you have to flatter them and wheedle them and let them think they're having their own way. Don't you find it so, my Lady!" "I'm afraid I haven't much experience." Connie paused in her occupation.

"Even your husband, did you have to manage him, and wheedle him like a baby?" she asked, looking at the other woman.

But he always knew what I was after, I must say that.

But he generally gave in to me." "mature women in thong butt outdoor He was never the lord and master thing?" "No! At least there'd be a look in his eyes sometimes, and then I knew _I'd_ got to give in. I knew when I could go no further with him, and then I gave in: though it cost me a good bit, sometimes." "And what if you had held out against him?" "Oh, I don't know.

Even when mature women in thong butt outdoor he was in the wrong, if he was fixed, I gave in. You see I never wanted to break what was between us. And if you really set your will against a man, that finishes it. If you care for a man, you have to give in to him once he's really determined; whether you're in the mature women in thong butt outdoor right or not, you have to give in. But I must say, Ted 'ud give in to me sometimes, when I was set on a thing, and in the wrong.

So I suppose it cuts both ways." "And that's how you are with all your patients?" asked Connie. I know what's good for them, or I try to, and then I just contrive to manage them for their own good.

Once you've been really fond of a man, you can be affectionate to almost any man, if he needs you at all. I doubt, once you've _really_ cared, if you can ever really care again." These words frightened Connie. But when I see a woman as cares, my heart stands still for her." "And do you think men easily take offence?" "Yes! Only our two prides are a bit mature women love sucking big cock different." Connie pondered this.

She began again to have some misgiving about her going away. After all, was she not giving the man the go-by, if only for a short time? the human existence is a good deal controlled by the machine of external circumstance. She couldn't extricate herself all in five minutes. Hilda arrived in good time on Thursday morning, in a nimble two-seater car, with her suitcase strapped firmly behind.

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Bedroom, "I learned from the beadle that you were ill had already been several days the more I realise what strange creatures human beings are. Hands conducted.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.