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How lovely, how lovely, strong, and yet pure and delicate, such stillness of the sensitive body! Such utter stillness of potency and delicate flesh! Her hands came timorously down his back, to the soft, smallish globes of the buttocks. a sudden little flame of new awareness went through her. How was it madhuri dixit naked nude sex images and wallpapers possible, this beauty here, where she had previously only been repelled? The unspeakable beauty to the touch, of the warm, living buttocks! The life within life, the sheer warm, potent loveliness. And the strange weight of the balls between his legs! What a strange heavy weight of mystery, that could lie soft and heavy in one's hand! The roots, root of all that is lovely, the primeval root of all full beauty. She clung to him, with a hiss of wonder that was almost awe, terror.

She crept nearer to him, nearer, only to be near to the sensual wonder of him.

And out of his utter, incomprehensible stillness, she felt again the slow, momentous, surging rise of the phallus again, the other power. And this time his being within her was all madhuri dixit naked nude sex images and wallpapers soft and iridescent, purely soft and iridescent, such as no consciousness could seize. Her whole self quivered unconscious and alive, like plasm. Only that it had been more lovely than anything ever could be. And afterwards she was utterly still, utterly unknowing, she was not aware for how long. And he was still with her, in an unfathomable silence along with her. When awareness of the outside began to come back, she clung to his breast, murmuring: "My love! His hands held her like flowers, so still and strange. Say something to me!" He kissed her softly, murmuring: "Ay, my lass!" But she did not know what he meant, she did not know where he was. 'asn't ter felt it?" he said dimly, but softly and surely. He was so much more peaceful in love than she was, and she wanted him to reassure her. And his hands stroked her softly, as if she were a flower, without the quiver of desire, but with delicate nearness. And still there haunted her a restless necessity to get a grip on love.

And she felt her questions driving him away from her. But she could feel his consciousness straying, listening to the noises outside. And she heard the pressure of circumstance in his voice. She kissed him, with a woman's grief at yielding up her hour. He rose, and turned up the lantern, then began to pull on his clothes, quickly disappearing inside them. Then he stood there, above her, fastening his breeches and looking down at her with dark, wide eyes, his face a little flushed and his hair ruffled, curiously warm and still and beautiful in the dim light of the lantern, so beautiful, she would never tell him how beautiful.

It made her want to cling fast to him, to hold him, for there was a warm, half-sleepy remoteness in his beauty that made her want to cry out and clutch him, to have him. So she lay on the blanket with curved, soft naked haunches, and he had no idea what she was thinking, but to him too she was beautiful, the soft, marvellous thing he could go into, beyond everything. I love thee that I came into thee like that." He bent down and kissed her soft flank, rubbed his cheek against it, then covered it up.

"Tha loved me just now, wider than iver tha thout tha would. But who knows what'll 'appen, madhuri dixit naked nude sex images and wallpapers once tha starts thinkin' about it!" "No, don't say those things!--And you don't really think that I wanted to make use of you, do you?" "How?" "To have a child--?" "Now anybody can 'ave any childt i' th'world," he said, as he sat down fastening on his leggings. "You don't mean it?" "Eh well!" he said, looking at her under his brows. The sky was dark blue, with crystalline, turquoise rim. He went out, to shut up the hens, speaking softly to his dog. And she lay and wondered at the wonder of life, and of being. When he came back she was still lying there, glowing like a gypsy. "Tha mun come one naight ter th' cottage, afore tha goos; sholl ter?" he asked, lifting his eyebrows as he looked at her, his hands dangling between his knees. Her attempts at the dialect were so ludicrous, madhuri dixit naked nude sex images and wallpapers somehow.

"Why should I say _maun_ when you said _mun_," she protested. "You're not playing fair." "Arena Ah!" he said, leaning forward and softly stroking her face. It's thee down theer; an' what I get when I'm i'side thee, and what tha gets when I'm i'side thee; it's a' as it is, all on'madhuri dixit naked nude sex images and wallpapers t." "All on't," she teased. It's thee, dost see: an' tha'rt a lot beside an animal, aren't ter? Eh, that's the beauty o' thee, lass!" She got up and kissed him between the eyes, that looked at her so dark and soft and unspeakably warm, so unbearably beautiful. "And do you care for me?" He kissed her without answering. His hand passed over the curves of her body, firmly, without desire, but with soft, intimate knowledge.

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