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Granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter

Then rising from my knees, I stretched myself over Mary’s belly, and gently directing my prick, and rubbing it up and down first between the granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter lips, and exciting her clitoris by the same action, I gently and gradually inserted its head between the lips of her charming little cunt. There was less difficulty than might have been expected, the gamahuching and double spending had relaxed the muscles, and her passions being excited also acted on her organs of generation; at all events, I got in the head, and about two inches of its length without her murmuring anything beyond— “How big it feels—it seems to stretch me so.” All this was exciting me dreadfully, and it was only by the greatest effort that I did not thrust rudely forward. I now felt I was pushing against some obstacle, I thrust hard and hurt her. So, plunging forward, I rushed, at the impediment, and made her cry out most lustily. Probably another push would have decided my position, but nature could hold out no longer, and I yielded down my erotic tribute to her virginal charms, without having actually deflowered her. So far, perhaps, it was fortunate, because I poured into her a torrent of sperm which was not only balm to her partially wounded hymen, but so relaxed and lubricated the interior of her cunt as greatly to facilitate my after-efforts. I lay quiet still for some time, and the gradual swelling out and throbbing of my prick reawakened her young passions. She said— “Charlie, my dear, you said that it would prove delicious in the end, and I can feel it is becoming so. I have no more pain, and you shall go on just as you like.” As my prick stiffened at her endearing words and involuntary pressures, and as I had it completely under control, since I had taken the edge off its immediate appetite by the last discharge, I held it literally well in hand; and as I had lost no ground by withdrawing, I started with the advantage of possession. First I slipped my hand down between our two bellies and began frigging her clitoris, which immediately excited her passions to the highest pitch. Charlie, dear, now push it all in—I do so long for it—and I don’t care how it hurts me.” I granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter had been giving short thrusts more to stimulate her passions than to alleviate my own; and as she was totally unaware of what was going to happen, she widened her thighs and heaved up her bottom, expanding her vagina in the act.

I gathered my strength together, and as my cock was standing as granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter stiff as iron, I suddenly drove it forward, and felt that I broke through something, and gained two inches more insertion at least. The effect on my poor sister was most painful, she shrieked out lustily; strove hard to unsheath me, wriggled her body in all directions to effect this; but I was too securely engulphed for that, and all her struggles only enabled me the more easily to sheathe him up to the very hairs. So excited was I by her tears and screams, that I was no sooner there than a torrent of sperm burst from me, and I lay like a corpse on her body, but perfectly maintaining the ground I possessed. This death-like quiet lasted some minutes, and, to a certain extent, assuaged the violence of the pain I granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter put poor Mary to. Doubtless, also, the balmy nature of the ample quantity of sperm I had shot up to her womb helped to soothe her suffering.

At all events, when we were both able again to converse, she unbraided me with the agony I had caused her, and wished me to get off her at once; but retaining the advantageous possession of her very tight and delicious sheath, I told her all was now over, and we might look forward to nothing but enrapturing pleasure. Some minutes had elapsed in these remonstrances on one side; and coaxings on the other, when I suddenly felt her charming little cunt actually throb upon and give an involuntary squeeze to my prick, which was still throbbing her.

He was far too ready to stand at any time, still more when engulphed in the exquisite granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter young cunt he had just initiated into love’s mysteries—_bref_—he stood stiff as ever, and Mary, at first with a shudder of fright, then with all the energy of awakened passion, began to move her body under me. I held off from any interference, feeling certain that if the desire came naturally to her it would doubly enhance my own pleasure. Mary’s passions became fully aroused, and when so, the trifling soreness passed out of mind, and we actually had a most delicious fuck, in which my prick appeared as if in a vice, and Mary wriggled her backside almost as well as the more artistic movements granddad cock cunt fuck hole stopped granddaughter of Mrs. All things must come to an end, but this did so amid screams of delight on both sides.

This single bout began and finished the education of my darling sister. She hugged and fondled me afterwards, declaring I was quite right in telling her pleasure followed pain; for nothing could exceed the enrapturing nature of the sensation my prick had produced.

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