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It is true I am considerably older than you, but you are now twenty-five years of age, and, therefore, a full grown man. I wish to endow you with all my great wealth, and I offer you my hand in marriage. Do not girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys sex vids suppose I want to monopolize this dear prick.” (We were in bed naked, and had just concluded a most exquisite fuck.) “No, with our love of variety girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys sex vids we will still seek it out, but as husband and wife we can do so with perfect ease and safety; whereas if not married and travelling together we should be compromised at every city we stop at. What say you, my darling Charlie?” Here she threw herself on my bosom with loving eyes upraised girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys hot and sexy pakistani girls fucking photo gallery sex vids to mine.

Why, look how the very idea has raised my prick to instant life. If anything in the world could delight me more than another it is your generous noble offer. To dedicate my life to the woman I love more than any other girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys sex vids is a joy greater than I can express. I thank you from my soul, adorable creature as you are. come to my arms as my future wife and let us revel in the glorious idea.” Such was the way in which this happiness was conferred on me, which endured for long years, although, alas, my widowed heart now all hopelessly ever regrets that most lovable of women and best of wives. Oh, what happiness it was as long as I possessed her. We were married in a few days after this by special license. The Benson and the Egerton were present and Harry Dale was my best man. They also stayed to dinner and slept at our house, that we might celebrate our marriage with a parting orgy, for we announced to our friends that in marrying, so far from renouncing our orgies, we meant our union to promote ever varying ones, and that on our return we would renew the exquisite ones we had so often enjoyed with them.

Harry and I did all we could on that happy occasion to satisfy three of the finest women in the world, whose delicious power of fucking was never surpassed and rarely equalled. As to the women, their amorous gamahuching of each other was ever renewed, and was most exciting to see. After breakfast that morning they stopped to see us off, and threw old slippers after us for luck. We posted down to aunt’s for a day and a night on our way to the continent. They were, of course, delighted with my marriage as bringing great wealth into girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys sex vids the family, indeed, my darling presented aunt with a cheque for ?1000. Dale and Ellen came over, and we had another delicious night’s orgy, in which all exerted themselves to the utmost. Dale and Ellen, after luncheon, and posted down to Dover; slept at Birmingham’s Hotel, where we had our real first night’s fucking all to ourselves, enjoyed it in moderation but in every endearment that two lovers could devise. The sea was smooth at first, but we found it after passing the Foreland very rough. My dear wife suffered severely; fortunately I myself never felt better, and was thus able to devote every attention to the dear sufferer. It left her even after we landed with nausea and a severe headache, so that night at Devaux’s Hotel we slept each in one of the separate beds in the same room, as is usual in French hotels, and indeed in continental hotels in general. My darling wife was far from feeling well next morning, but fancied that posting on to Abbeville would rather tend to recovery than otherwise. We accomplished this easily between breakfast and dinner, found a very comfortable hotel with very fair cooking and excellent wines.

My wife enjoyed her dinner, and felt something like herself after it. We slept together by bringing the two beds side by side, but only took girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys sex vids a single fuck before sleeping, and next morning a girl showing gaint boobs and fucking guys sex vids double one. We spent the day at Abbeville, wandering through its quaint streets and seeing its fine unfinished cathedral. The following day we posted to Amiens, visiting its very beautiful cathedral, posted the following day to Beauvais, again slept, passed next day there, and on the following day posted up to Paris, and drove to Meurice’s Hotel in the rue de Rivoli. We had previously written for a set of rooms _au premier_, overlooking the Tuileries Gardens, with orders to have dinner ready at a given hour.

We arrived just in time to change our travelling costume and to sit down to a luxurious dinner.

Here, as we had ordered, our bedroom contained a proper large bed for both to sleep in. This hotel being much used by the English was furnished with French taste but English comfort.

The dilatory manner of our journey, the agreeable breaks we had made at different interesting towns had quite restored my beloved wife to all her accustomed health, energy, and lubricity. The comfort of the bed, the stimulating cheer, and the excellent wine also nerved me to meet her utmost lasciviousness, and we had a night such as we used to have when I first had her in my mother’s spare bedroom.

We recalled those happy days, and revelled in every lascivious act of the hottest lust.

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