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Wherefore Fra Paulo, having gone out to meet him, was mightily glad to let him know the whole history of the craft of the amorous damsel, and of the scheme which she had framed. The prince gave ear to the same with no less amazement than pleasure; for, albeit he had rarely cast his eyes upon this young girl, and retained no free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks recollection of her beauty, nevertheless it seemed to him to be only just and right free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks that he should hold dear those who loved him. So he made answer to the friar, and bade him set the business in progress in such wise that the meeting might be brought to pass at the earliest possible time. The friar, pleased beyond measure and eager to do service to the prince, betook himself towards the house of the damsel as soon as he had dismounted from his beast.

Then, having made the sign which had been agreed between themselves--a sign which she observed and understood with the utmost pleasure--the damsel duly repaired on the following morning to the spot which had been chosen; and there, when she met the friar, he said to her:-- “My dear lord, who for your pleasure arrived last night in Naples, commends himself to you.

I have set before him at full length the purport of the converse betwixt you and me, but I could not draw from his lips any other reply except that he prays and conjures you, by the perfect love which he has for so long a time borne and still bears to you, and also by that love which you should dutifully entertain towards him, that it will please you, on this same evening, to give him a kindly audience in order that he may, without needing to confide in any living man, lay bare to you those matters which he has kept hitherto, and still keeps, secured by a strong lock within his passionate breast.” The young woman, who, as she listened to these words, was so vastly overjoyed that she could with difficulty free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks contain herself within her skin, now felt that every hour would be as a thousand years until she should find herself engaged in the supreme conclusions of love; and, after a few feeble denials and hesitations, answered that she was ready to do what the prince desired. She did not quit the friar’s company until they had, in discreet wise, settled when and in what manner and in what place she and the prince should come together for the amorous battle.

The friar then betook himself straightway to his beloved lord and prince, who indeed free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks was awaiting him and his answer.

Then he set forth everything to the prince, who, when himseemed that the appointed time had come, went with his attendants to the meeting-place, and there he found the lovely young damsel, who, delicately arrayed and perfumed, received him with open arms and exceeding great delight. Then, after countless kisses had been given and received by the prince, they got on board their bark, and after the helm had been duly set and the sails spread to the wind, the damsel, what though she was not as yet greatly versed in the mariner’s art, let her free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks lover navigate the sea of love during all the time they were able to spend together.

When at last they found themselves with great delight once more in port, the damsel, tenderly clasping the neck of the prince with her arms, thus addressed him:-- “My sweetest lord, for that I alone, aided by my own skill and forethought, have succeeded in bringing you hither this first time I have but to thank myself, but for the future I must leave to the care of you and free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks of Love the devising of the means whereby you may be able to show me further proofs of your passion.

Now there remains nothing more for me to say except that free pictures of the worlds biggest tits and cocks I recommend myself without ceasing to your favour.” Thereupon the illustrious lord the prince heartened her with soft and tender words, and they then took leave of one another with great pleasure and delight; and if anyone should still wish to know whether, and in what fashion, this love of theirs bore further fruit, let him inquire on his own behalf. Because Masuccio--so far as the general public is concerned--may be counted among the lesser-known of the Novellieri of the Cinquecento, it may not be inappropriate to give a few details of his life and work. To this purpose we cannot do better than quote from the admirable introduction to Mr. Waters’ translation of the _Novellino_, whence is taken our story of _The Damsel and the Prince_.

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