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I verily think it would ill become us to run into fawning love. Besides, I do not see, that those loving women, whom they set us as models, are happier than others'----'Who told you so, madam?'----'No body, but it is easily foreseen.'----'Trust not to such foresight? A loving woman constitutes her own, and her lover's happiness: but this part is not suited to all women.'----'Faith, my dear, it is suited to none: for all, who attempt it, are sufferers. What advantage is there in fixing to one?'----'A thousand, a woman, who fixes her affections, will preserve her reputation; will be sovereignly esteemed by the man she loves; and you cannot imagine, how much love owes to esteem.'----'I do not comprehend your meaning, you make a jumble of reputation, love, esteem, and I can't tell what besides. Would you be understood, that inconstancy must dishonour a woman? How, I take a man, and find he does not answer my expectations: I take another, and am young daughter defloration for hancock sex videos still disappointed: I change him for a third, who does not turn out a jot better: and because I have had the misfortune to make a score of wrong choices, instead of pitying me, you would'----'I would, madam, advise a woman who has been deceived in her first choice, not to make a second; for fear of being deceived again, and running from one error into another.'----'Good God, what strange morality! I fancy, my dear, that you preached me a quite different sort just now. Might one be informed what sort of woman would hit your taste?'----'Most willingly, madam but 'tis late, and the discourse would run into too great a length.'----'So much the better: I free naked videos of very young valerie bertanelie am alone, and you will be company for me.

Seat yourself on this couch, and go on: I shall hear you more at ease.' "Amisadar obey'd, and sate down by Fannia. 'That mantelet of yours, madam,' says he, leaning towards her, and uncovering her bosom, 'wraps you up strangely.'--'You say right.'----'Why then do you hide such beautiful things?' added he, kissing them.----'Come, ha' done. Moralist, resume the conversation which you began.' "'Well then,' said Amisadar, 'I would be glad to find in my mistress a good figure, good free naked videos of very young amateur boys with girls nude teen party very young valerie bertanelie sense, good sentiments, and decency above all. I would have her approve my attendance; not deceive me by looks; make me thoroughly sensible, once at least, that I am agreeable to her; and even inform me how I may become still more so; not conceal from me the progress I make in her heart; give ear to none but me, have no eyes but for me; neither think, nor even dream, but of me; love but me; busy herself about nothing but me; do nothing but what may tend to convince me of all this: and at length yielding herself up to my transports, let me plainly perceive that I owe every thing to my love and to hers. And how happy is the man who possesses such a woman!'----'Alas, my poor Amisadar, you are certainly out of your senses.

You have drawn the portrait of free naked videos of very young valerie bertanelie woman who does not exist.'----'Pardon me, madam, there are some in being.

I own that free naked videos of very young valerie bertanelie they are rare; but yet I have had the good fortune to light of one. If death had not snatch'd her from me, for 'tis free naked videos of very young valerie bertanelie death alone that ever robs one of such women, perhaps I should be in her arms at present'----'But how then did you behave with her?'--'I loved to distraction, and miss'd no opportunity of giving her proofs of my passion.

I had the sweet satisfaction of seeing that they were well received. The only disputes between us were, whose love was strongest; and in these little debates it was, that we laid our hearts open. We were never so fond as after this scrutiny of our souls. Our caresses always became more tender and vigorous after our explanations. I read free naked videos of very young valerie bertanelie in her eyes, and she in mine, that we burned with equal and mutual ardor.'----'And whither did all this lead ye?'----'To pleasures unknown to all mortals less amorous and sincere than us.'----'You enjoyed?'----'Yes I enjoyed, but a good on which I set an infinite value. If esteem does not intoxicate, at least it hightens the intoxication considerably. We unbosom'd ourselves without reserve, and you can't imagine how much it strengthened our passion. The more I examined, the more perfections I discovered, and the greater were my transports. I spent half my time at her feet, and I regretted the loss of the rest.

I made her happiness, and she filled up the measure of mine. I always saw her with pleasure, and always quitted her with pain. Thus we lived together: and now, madam, you may judge naked very young brunette girl teenagers creampied if loving women are so much to be pitied'----'No they are not, if what you tell me be true; but I can scarcely believe it.

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