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But you might well assert, that when you gamboled about like a little D?mon, so as to drive your governants out of their wits, your feet then governed your head." "That proves nothing," said the Sultan. "Selim was lively, and so are a thousand other children. They do not reflect, but they think: time slips away, the remembrance of things wears out, and they remember not that they thought." "But by what part did they think," replied Mirzoza: "for that is the point in dispute?" "By the head," answered Selim. always this head, into which one cannot peep," replied the Sultana. "Pray, egiptian girls porn pictures drop your dark lanthorn, in which you suppose a light, that is seen by none but by him who carries it: hear my experiment, and own the truth of my hypothesis. It is so constantly true, that the soul begins its progress in the body by the feet, that there are fat girl in tanning bed porn some of both sexes, in whom it never rose higher. My lord, you have admired Nini's nimbleness and Saligo's feats of activity a thousand times: answer me then sincerely, do you think that these creatures have their souls any where else but in their legs?

And have you not remarked, that in Volucer and Zelindor the head is submissive to the feet? The eternal temptation of a dancer is to contemplate his legs. At every step his attentive eye follows his paces, and his head bows respectuously before his feet, as do before his highness his invincible Pacha's." "I allow the observation," said Selim: "but I deny that it is a general one." "Nor do I pretend," replied Mirzoza, "that the soul always fixes in the feet: she advances, she travels, she quits a part, returns to it, and quits it again; but I maintain that the other members are subordinate to that which she inhabits. All this varies according to the age, temper and circumstances; and thence arises the difference of tastes, the diversity of inclinations and fat girl in tanning bed porn characters. And is not its certainty evinced by the number of ph?nomena, to which it extends?" "Madam," answered Selim, "if you applied it to some in particular, perhaps it might give us a degree of conviction, which we have not yet acquired." "Most willingly," replied Mirzoza, who began to be sensible of the advantages she gain'd: "you shall be satisfied, only follow the chain of my notions. I speak from my heart; this is the philosophy of our sex, and you understand it almost as well as we. It is probable enough," added she, "that the soul occupies the feet and legs to the age of eight or ten: but about that time, or rather later, she quits that lodging, either of her own free motion, or by force. By force, when a tutor employs certain machines to drive her out of her native place, and lead her into the brain; where she is metamorphosed generally into memory, and seldom or never into judgment.

In like manner, if a weak governant labours hard to form a young girl, stuffs her mind with knowledge, and neglects the heart and morals; the soul rapidly flies towards the head, stops on the tongue, or fixes in the eyes; and her scholar fat girl in tanning bed porn is but a tiresome pratler, or a coquet. "Thus the voluptuous woman is she whose soul occupies her Toy, and never strays from it. "The woman of gallantry, she whose soul is sometimes in her Toy, and sometimes in her eyes. "The affectionate woman, she whose soul is habitually in the heart, but sometimes also in her Toy. "The virtuous woman, she whose soul is sometimes in her head, sometimes in her heart, but never any where else. "If the soul fixes in the heart, she forms the characters of sensibility, fat girl in tanning bed porn compassion, truth, generosity. If she quits the heart without returning thither, and retires to the head; then she forms those whom we call hardhearted, ungrateful, deceitful, cruel men. "The class of those, in whom the soul visits the head merely as a country-house, where its stay is short, is very numerous. It is composed of _Petits-Maitres_, coquets, musicians, poets, romancers, courtiers, and all those who are called pretty women.

Listen to the reasoning of these entities, and you will instantly discern vagabond fat girl in tanning bed porn souls, which are influenced by the different climes they inhabit." "If that be the case," said Selim, "nature has formed many useless things. And yet our sages hold as a constant maxim, that she has produced nothing in vain." "Drop your sages and their lofty expressions," answered Mirzoza; "and as to xxx naked black girls amateur porn selfie nature, let us consider her with the eyes of experience only, and we shall learn from her, that she has placed the soul in the body of man, as in a spacious palace, of which she does not always occupy the most beautiful appartment. The head and heart are fat girl in tanning bed porn principally destined for her, as the center of virtue, and the residence of truth: but most commonly she stops on the road, and prefers a garret, a suspicious place, a miserable inn, where she drops asleep in perpetual drunkenness. If I were allowed for twenty-four hours only, to settle the world according to my fancy, I would divert you with a very strange sight: in a moment I would deprive each soul of the superfluous parts of its habitation; and you fat girl in tanning bed porn would see each individual characterised by the part left him.

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