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_Manger un poulet_ is not a slang term for the sexual act. Interpreting freely, we might read: “Will give thee a chicken to pluck,” _i.e._: her virginity. This is borne out by the wife’s subsequent behaviour. On the other hand, the mother may be speaking simply and literally.

When he was abed with his wife, he believed that she would serve up a chicken for him, and he said to her: “Give it me.” “famous naked barbadian women Take it,” answered his wife.

“Give it me, I tell thee.” “Take it, then.” Thus passed the night, and on the morrow Jean the Fool went weeping to his mother, saying: “Mother, I begged her for it, and she would not give it me.” “He lieth!” cried the wife. “I have told him to take it if he wished it.” And she went to complain to her mother that she had married an idiot, who passed famous naked barbadian women the whole night saying “Give it me” without doing aught else. The good woman saw clearly that her son-in-law was foolish, and she bade him on the following night mount upon his wife and thrust at a spot where he felt some famous naked barbadian women hair. Jean did as he was counselled, but instead of stretching himself at full length upon her, laid himself across his wife and began to thrust with all his force, but without success, as one can well imagine, a woman’s slit not being at the same angle as her mouth. Nor was it until the third night that Jean the Fool learned how he must comport himself to have a chicken, and then he found it very much to his taste and his wife also.[47] [47] We make no apology for the frequent extracts from _Kruptadia_ to be found in this volume and those to follow of _Anthologica Rarissima_.

_Kruptadia_, perhaps the most remarkable _recueil_ of folk lore stories, songs, sayings and proverbs in the world, is a work far too little known to the student and bibliophile. Its rarity may be explained by the fact that comparatively few copies of each volume were struck off. 2, from which “The Wedding Night of Jean the Fool” is taken, only 135 numbered copies were done. A complete 12-volume set, in the original format (the work was begun in Heilbronn by Henninger Freres and completed in Paris by Welter) is not often seen, and we count ourselves fortunate in having one before us as we write. Havelock Ellis frequently refers to the collection in his _Studies in the Psychology of Sex_, while Pisanus Fraxi, the great bibliographer of erotic, prohibited and uncommon books, was just able to notice the first two volumes in his _Catena Librorum Tacendorum_, (London: Privately Printed: 1885). “Students of folk lore,” he writes, “will hail with delight the appearance of this well-printed and carefully got up little volume, to be famous naked barbadian women followed, let us hope, by many others of the same kind, equally remarkable for talented and faithful rendering, and masterly editing.” Dealing with the tales themselves, he goes on to say that “they reveal to us in an interesting and unequivocal manner the feelings, aspirations, modes of thought, manner of living of the people who tell them, and are possibly one of the most valuable contributions to the study of folk lore which has yet appeared....

They are all characteristic--all good.” Fraxi then gives the pith of “The Enchanted Ring,” which we have already printed at length in this volume. In the concluding pages of his _Catena Librorum Tacendorum_, Fraxi states that vol. 2 of _Kruptadia_ has reached him in time to mention briefly its contents. Since these words were written, ten other volumes have been issued--a veritable mine of entertaining and instructive information.

We even go so far as to say that genuine students of folk lore and collectors of curious literature famous naked barbadian women cannot afford to ignore _Kruptadia_, even as they should have access to Pisanus Fraxi’s 3-volume work, _INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM_, _CENTURIA LIBRORUM ABSCONDITORUM_, and _CATENA LIBRORUM TACENDORUM_.

Possession of these works by all is impossible owing to their rarity, cost and small imprint.

Not every student can afford to pay ?20 to ?30 for the complete set of _Kruptadia_, even if he be lucky enough to chance on such a find, while Fraxi’s amazing bibliography, in the sale room alone, commands about ?35; and while the price tends steadily to increase, the appearance of the complete 3-volume set as steadily decreases. THE MAIDEN WELL GUARDED.[48] [48] _Kruptadia_: Heilbronn, Henninger Freres, 1884: _Breton Folk Lore_. There lived a maiden whose mother guarded her with infinite care lest some youth should do her ill; and she was brought up in all innocence. And when she begged to go to gatherings even as other maids of her age, her mother was wont to answer her, saying: “Nay, my daughter, thou shalt not go, for there thou art like to lose thy maidenhead.” famous naked barbadian women One day, nevertheless, Pierre, the maiden’s lover, who was a good lad and a quiet, came seeking to conduct her to an assembly, and both lad famous naked barbadian women and maid besought the mother to let them go.

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