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Oh!!” Then an almost perfect quiet, except for a slight rustling sound, and, now and then, broken sighs with heavy breathing. At last all was quiet, and having now been left more than half-an-hour to myself in the schoolroom, I ventured to tap at the door and beg Miss Birch to let me into her room, as I would never, never, offend again. After a very slight delay, the door was unlocked, and my governess received me with expressions of great tenderness, fame girls virginia nude pis kissed her poor Lucille, and hoped my poor bottom was not too sore. Her eyes were melting with what I should now call a soft voluptuous languor, and scintillated with extraordinary brilliancy, all of which set my young ideas in a flutter of wonderment, as to the extraordinary cause of her prolonged emotion. Things went on pretty smoothly for some time, but I found it indian premature girls boobs and pussy nude images quite impossible to avoid coming under the rod every now and then, the chastisement getting more severe on every fresh occasion. Papa always had to handle the twigs, and when I began to get older, Miss Birch would tie me up and leave the room, as she pretended to be quite unable to bear the scene. Still papa would always go fame girls virginia nude pis into her sanctum at the conclusion of my whipping, to talk the matter over with my governess. I will tell you of a fearful birching, the last I had before being sent to the Convent fame girls virginia nude pis School; it does not matter what the fault was, but it must have been something very serious. Papa and Miss Birch both helped to tie me up on a four poster bed in my own room.

I was stripped of every thing but my skirts and drawers, which were all secured and arranged so as to expose my back parts in the best possible manner for whipping.

My hands were tied to the bed post high above my head, and making me kneel on the bed, one leg was secured at the knee to the same post, my other leg being left free to kick about.

Miss Birch vanished, and papa fame girls virginia nude pis arming himself with a formidable rood, elegantly trimmed as usual, began by lecturing me on my fault. “You impudent girl, I can scarcely believe it of you, Lucille, now you are just upon twelve, but this is the last whipping you will get at my hands, and I promise you it shall be a sound one, and then I’ll pack you off to the convent, with instructions to the sisters to be very strict in looking after you.” “Oh! Papa,” I implored, “Have mercy, don’t be so severe, indeed I won’t do it again!” “Hold your tongue, Miss,” he said, impatiently, “you always cry before you are hurt, but you shall remember this whipping as long as you live;” giving me a slashing cut round my loins, then another, and another on each cheek of my buttocks, “how do you like it, you bad girl! Will you?” Each question being accompanied by a terrific smarter; the blows seemed to cut like fame girls virginia nude pis a red hot knife, and my boiling blood tingled from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes.

I could feel great burning bursting weals fame girls virginia nude pis rising on my skin at every cut; fame girls virginia nude pis I screamed and plunged till the bed-post creaked with the strain, and my wrists and knee were quite pained by the tight ligatures by which they were secured. “Let this be a solemn warning to you, Miss Lucille,” he continued, “but I’m afraid all my efforts for your reformation are quite thrown away upon such a worthless baggage,” cutting away still more furiously, and as I turned my head to scream and implore for mercy, I could see how excited model bodybuilding girls nude pics he was over the business with flushed face and sparkling eyes; he was a fine handsome man of about forty-five, and gave me the idea of looking as if in the midst of a tremendous battle.

Anything but a bloodless battle for me; my bottom was soon dripping with the ruby drops of my young blood, the sight of which seemed only to exasperate him still more.

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