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These toxins are chosen from those fake naked pics of amy adams which produce madness or lockjaw when absorbed through the pores. Then, when these fishes are thoroughly permeated with the substances sealed by sacrilege, Docre takes them out of the water, lets them rot, distills them, and expresses from them an essential oil one drop of which will produce madness. This drop, it appears, is applied externally, by touching the hair, as in Balzac's _Thirteen_." "Hmmm," said Durtal, "I am afraid that a drop of this oil long ago fell on the scalp of poor old Gevingey." "What is interesting about this story is fake naked pics of amy adams fake naked pics of amy adams not the outlandishness of these diabolical pharmacopoeia so much as the psychology of the persons who invent and manipulate them. This is happening at the present day, and it is the priests who have invented philtres unknown to the sorcerers of the Middle Ages." "The priests, no! Bewitchment by veniniferous blood of mice took place in 1879 at Chalons-sur-Marne in a demoniac circle--to which the canon belonged, it is true. In 1883, in Savoy, the oil of which I have spoken was prepared in a group of defrocked abbes. As you see, Docre is not the only one who practises this abominable science.

It is known in the convents; some laymen, even, have an inkling of it." "But now, admitting that these preparations are real and that they are active, you have not explained how one can poison a man with them either from a distance or near at hand." "Yes, that's another matter. One has a choice of two methods to reach the enemy one is aiming at. The first and least used is this: the magician employs a voyant, a woman who is known in that world as 'a flying spirit'; she is a somnambulist, who, put into a hypnotic state, can betake herself, in spirit, wherever one wishes her to go. It is then possible to have her transmit the magic poisons to a person whom one designates, hundreds of leagues away.

Those who are stricken in this manner have seen no one, and they go mad or die without suspecting the venefice.

But these voyants are not only rare, they are also unreliable, because other persons can likewise fix them in a cataleptic state and extract confessions from them. So you see why persons like Docre have recourse to the second method, which is surer. It consists in evoking, just as in Spiritism, the soul of a dead person and sending it to strike the victim with the prepared spell. The result is the same but the vehicle is fake naked pics of amy adams different. There," concluded Des Hermies, "reported with painstaking exactness, are the confidences which our friend Gevingey made me this morning." "And Dr. Johannes cures people poisoned in this manner?" asked Carhaix. Johannes--to my knowledge--has made inexplicable cures." "But with what?" "Gevingey tells me, in mumta kulkarni ful naked nude pics this connection, that the doctor celebrates a sacrifice to the glory fake naked pics of amy adams of Melchisedek. I haven't the faintest idea what this sacrifice is, but Gevingey will perhaps enlighten us if he returns cured." "In spite of all, I should not be displeased, once in my life to get a good look at Canon Docre," said Durtal. He is the incarnation of the Accursed on earth!" cried Carhaix, assisting his friends to put on their overcoats. He lighted his lantern, and while they were descending the stair, as Durtal complained of the cold, Des Hermies burst into a laugh. "If your family had known the magical secrets of the plants, you would not shiver this way," he said. "It was learned in the sixteenth century that a child might be immune to heat or cold all his life if his hands were rubbed with juice of absinth before the twelfth month of his life had passed. That, you see, fake naked pics of amy adams is a tempting prescription, less dangerous than those which Canon Docre abuses." Once below, after Carhaix had closed the door of his tower, they hastened their steps, for the north wind swept fake naked pics of amy adams the square. "After all," said Des Hermies, "Satanism aside--and yet Satanism also is a phase of religion--admit that, for two miscreants of our sort, we hold singularly pious conversations. I hope they will be counted in our favour up above." "No merit on our part," replied Durtal, "for what else is there to talk about? Conversations which do not treat of religion or art are so base and vain." CHAPTER XV The memory of these frightful magisteria kept racing through his head next day, and, while smoking cigarettes beside the fire, Durtal thought of Docre and Johannes fighting across Gevingey's back, smiting and parrying with incantations and exorcisms.

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