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He unlocked the door and preceded them into the warm but bare little room. The table was set with two plates and two glasses, on a proper white tablecloth for once.

Hilda shook her hair and looked round the bare, cheerless room. Then she summoned her courage and looked at the man. He was moderately tall, and thin, and she thought him good-looking. He kept a quiet distance of his own, and seemed absolutely unwilling to speak. "Can I make you tea or anything, or will you drink a glass of beer? "Beer for me, please!" said Hilda, with a mock sort of shyness. When he came back with the beer, his face had changed again. Connie sat down by the door, and Hilda sat in his seat, with the back to the wall, against drunk girls passed out naked gettin fucked the window corner. Ta'e ony cheer as yo'n a mind to, none of us is th' big bear," he said, with complete equanimity. And he brought Hilda a glass, and poured her beer first from the blue jug.

"As for cigarettes," he said, "I've got none, but 'appen you've got your own. "Shall t'eat a smite o' summat, if I bring it thee? Tha can usually do wi' a bite." He spoke the vernacular with a drunk girls passed out naked gettin fucked curious calm assurance, as if he were the landlord of the inn. That's non Yorkshire, that's Derby." He looked back at her with that faint, distant grin. You spoke natural English at first." "Did Ah drunk girls passed out naked gettin fucked though? If yo'n nowt against it." "It sounds a little affected," said Hilda. An' up i' Tevershall yo'd sound affected." He looked again at her, with a queer calculating distance, along his cheek-bones: as if to say: Yi, an' who are you? Then he said: "An if it's the same to you, drunk girls passed out naked gettin fucked I s'll ta'e my coat off, like I allers do." And he took off his coat, and hung it on the peg, then sat down to table in his shirtsleeves: a shirt of thin, cream-coloured flannel. Dunna wait f'r axin!" He cut the bread, then sat motionless.

Hilda felt, as Connie once used to, his power of silence and distance. She saw his smallish, sensitive, loose hand on the table. He was no simple working-man, not he: he was acting!

"It would be more natural if you spoke to us in normal English, not in vernacular." He looked at her, feeling her devil of a will. Would anything that was said between you and me be quite natural, unless you said you wished me to hell before your sister ever saw me again: and unless I said something almost as unpleasant back again?

Would anything else be natural?" "Oh yes!" said Hilda. "Just good manners would be quite natural." "Second nature, so to speak!" he said: then he began to laugh. Let me be!" Hilda was frankly baffled and furiously annoyed. After all, he might show that he realized he was being honoured.

Instead of which, with his play-acting and lordly airs, he seemed to think it was he who was conferring the honour. Hilda drunk girls passed out naked gettin fucked looked to see what his table manners were like.

She could not help realizing that he was instinctively much more delicate and well-bred than herself. And moreover, he had all the quiet self-contained assurance of the English, no loose edges.

It would be very difficult to get the better of him. "And do you really think," she said, a little more humanly, "it's worth the risk." "Is what worth what risk?" "This escapade with my sister." He flickered his irritating grin. It's non me as forces thee?" Connie looked at Hilda. "I wish you wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want to. You've got to have some of continuity in your life. You can't just go making a mess." There was a moment's pause. Yo'll be sick o' yer continuity afore yer a fat sight older. A stubborn woman an' 'er own self-will: ay, they make a fat continuity, they do. Thank heaven, it isn't me as 'as got th' andlin' of yer!" "What right have you to speak like that to me?" said Hilda. What right ha' yo' ter start harnessin' other folks i' your Continuity? Leave folks to their own continuities." "My dear man, do you think I am concerned with you?" said Hilda softly. Yo' more or less my sister-in-law." "Still far from it, I assure you." "Not a' that far, I assure _you_. I've got my own sort o' continuity, back your life! An' hot girls completely naked and getting fucked hard if your sister there comes ter me for a bit o' cunt an' tenderness, she knows what she's after. She's been in my bed afore: which you 'aven't, thank the Lord, with your continuity." There was a dead pause, before he added: "--Eh, I don't wear me breeches arse-forrards.

A man gets a lot of enjoyment out o' that lass theer, which is more than anybody gets out o' th' likes o' you. Which is a pity, for you might 'appen a' bin a good apple, 'stead of a handsome crab. Women like you needs proper graftin'." He was looking at her with an odd, flickering smile, faintly sensual and appreciative. "And men like you," she said, "ought to be segregated: justifying their own vulgarity and selfish lust." "Ay, ma'am!

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Senses were in a tumult that robbed me of all liberty of thought the lustre of coal, the weight and blueness norbert near a quarter of a year, in which space I circulated my time very pleasantly, between my amusements.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.