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It is such an one--thou knowest her full well.” And they told him her name. The young man, who cared little whether he was married or not, so as download photos sex girl fat he did not lose money by it, answered that he would do whatsoe’er they wished. “Since ye think ‘twill be to my advantage,” said he, “manage the business to the best of your ability, for I would follow your advice and instructions.” “Thou sayest well,” said these good folk. “We will look and consider as carefully as though the matter concerned us or one of our children.” To cut matters short, a little while afterwards our Champenois was married; but on the first night, when he was sleeping with his wife, he, never having mounted on any Christian beast, soon turned his back to her, and a few poor kisses was aught she had of young girl lose virginity sex video download free him, but naught on her back.

At which one may guess his wife was not well pleased, albeit she concealed her discontent. This unsatisfactory State of affairs endured some ten days, and would have endured yet longer had not the girl’s mother put a stop to it.

It should be known that the young man was unversed in the mysteries of wedlock, for during the lifetime of his parents a tight rein had been kept upon him, and, above all things, he had been forbidden to play at the beast with two backs,[108] lest he should take too much delight therein, and waste all his patrimony. Which was prudent on the part of his parents, for he was not a young man likely to be loved for his appearance. [108] _Faire la bete a deux dos._ A recognised slang term for the venereal act, download photos sex girl fat used by Rabelais and Shakespeare.

supra_), and Landes: _Glossaire erotique de la langue francaise_: Brussels, 1861. And since he would do naught to anger his father and mother, and was not, moreover, of an amorous disposition, he had ever preserved his chastity, albeit his wife had deprived him of it right gladly had she known but how. On a certain day the mother of the bride came to her daughter, and questioned her as to her husband’s state and condition and the countless other download photos sex girl fat things which women like to know. To all of which questions the bride replied that download photos sex girl fat her husband was a good man, and that she did not doubt but that she would be happy with him.

Which answer made the old woman joyous, but, since she knew by her own experience that there are more things in wedlock than eating and drinking, she said to her daughter: “Come hither, and tell me, on thy word of honour, how he doth acquit himself at night?” When the girl heard this question she was so vexed and shamed that she might not answer, and her eyes were filled with tears. But her mother, understanding what meant these tears, said: “Weep not, my child. I am thy mother, and it behoveth thee to conceal naught from me. Hath he done naught to thee as yet?” The poor girl, having partly recovered, and being reassured by her mother’s words, ceased her tears, but could not yet make reply.

Whereupon her mother asked again: “Speak me boldly and put aside thy grief.

Hath he done naught to thee yet?” In a low voice, mingled with tears, the girl replied: “On my word, mother, he hath never touched me yet, but, save for that, there is no man more kind or affectionate.” “Tell me,” quoth the mother, “knowest thou if he be properly furnished with all his members? “I have often, by chance, felt his luggage[109] as I turned to and fro on our bed when I could not sleep.” [109] _Denree d’aventure._ A recognised erotic term for the male genital parts. _Denree_, properly, means a “commodity,” which is not far removed from the English slang term “concern.” (Farmer.) “‘Tis enough,” said the mother.

In the morning thou must feign grave illness--e’en as though thy soul were about to depart thy body.

Thy husband will, I expect full well, seek me out and bid me come to thee, and I will play my part so that thy business will soon be settled, for I shall carry thy water to a certain doctor, who will give such counsel as I order.” All was accomplished as arranged, for on the morrow, as soon as it was download photos sex girl fat dawn, the girl, who was sleeping with her husband, fell to complaining and feigning sickness as though a strong fever racked her body.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.