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Come with me, little peasant, and aid me in the search. I will pay thee well.” They set out together; not far off they came upon a strolling player. “Good day, little die avengers sex porn spiele father,” answered the strolling player. There was one who went running past me.” “‘Tis he! I will pay thee well.” “Willingly, little father.” And the three set forth together.

Now the labourer had run to the village, and having clad himself in other garments, went himself to meet the priest. And the priest failed to recognise him, but questioned him, saying: “Tell me, friend--hast seen a labourer on the road?” “I have seen one, and he ran to the village.” “Come, friend, aid us in the search.” “Willingly, little father.” All four then went in search of the priest’s labourer; they entered the village; they walked; they walked unto eventide; naught befell. Anon they came to a house where dwelt a widow, and they begged leave of her to pass the night therein. “Good people,” replied the widow, “there will be a deluge this night in my house. Ye will be drowned.” Howbeit, she did not refuse them--indeed, she might not--and she let them enter for the night. (Now the widow’s lover had promised to visit her that night.) All four then entered the house and betook themselves to bed. The priest, thinking perchance there might be a deluge, laid hold of a great trough, set it upon a shelf, and put himself to sleep in the trough. “If there be a deluge,” thought he to himself, “I shall float upon the die avengers sex porn spiele top of it in the trough.” The strolling player laid himself down by the hearth, his head in the ashes; the peasant reclined on the bench behind the table; and the priest’s labourer stretched himself on the stool by the window. Hardly had they lain down ere they fell into deep slumber, excepting the labourer, who alone slept not. He it was who heard the lover of the mistress of the house come beneath the window and knock, saying: “Open, my beloved.” The labourer arose, opened the window, and spake in low tones, saying: “Beloved, thou comest at an ill moment. Strangers are within my house, passing the night therein.

Come thou the next night.” “I go, beloved,” answered the lover.

“But lean thou from the window that we may embrace.” The labourer turned his posterior to the window and thrust out his backside. I will await thee, but, as a parting gift, give me thy yard, which I will hold for several moments in my hand. ‘Twill console me somewhat.” The lover drew forth his yard from his drawers and thrust it towards the window. “Amuse thyself.” The labourer took the yard in his hand, caressed it once or twice, drew his knife from his pocket, and, with one blow, cut off the member and testicles of the lover. The latter uttered a great cry, and sped amain to his home. The labourer shut the window, sat down on the bench, and made a noise with his mouth, as though eating. The peasant heard the noise die avengers sex porn spiele and awoke, saying: “What eatest thou, comrade?” “I have found a morsel of sausage on the table, but I cannot eat it all, for ‘tis uncooked.” “No matter if it be uncooked, comrade. Give me a portion to sample.” “There is not much, friend, but take what is left and eat.” And he gave him the cut-off yard. The peasant fell to chewing the ‘sausage’ with fine appetite. He chewed and chewed, but could not die avengers sex porn spiele swallow the morsel. ‘Tis so tough.” “Put it in the frying-pan, roast it, and then thou die avengers sex porn spiele wilt be able to eat it.” The peasant arose, went towards the frying-pan, and crammed the ‘sausage’ right ‘twixt the teeth of the strolling player. He held it there; he held it there for a long while, making experiment with it. The fire hath done naught.” “Cease to wrestle with the thing,” said the labourer. “The mistress of the house will hear and will scold us. sprinkle it with water that the woman may perceive naught.” “But where may I get the water?” “Piss o’er it. Better extinguish the fire than have to go forth into the courtyard.” The peasant had great desire to piss, and he pissed forthwith upon the face of the strolling player. And when the strolling player felt the water, coming whence he knew not, fall right in his mouth, he said: “The deluge hath arrived!” And he fell to crying with all the strength of die avengers sex porn spiele his lungs: “Little father! The deluge!” The priest heard the voice of the strolling player, and, half asleep, sought to cast himself, together with the trough, straight into the water, but instead he die avengers sex porn spiele fell heavily on the ground, bruising himself all over. “When a child falleth, the good Lord placeth a cushion under it, but when an old man tumbleth, the devil putteth a harrow beneath him.

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