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But Connie was not keen on daniel radcliffe images nude going to London, and being steered into the smart world by Lady Bennerley. She didn't feel really smart, it wasn't interesting. And she did feel the peculiar, withering coldness under it all; like the soil of Labrador, which has gay little flowers on its surface, and a foot down is frozen. Tommy Dukes was at Wragby, and another man, Harry Winterslow, and Jack Strangeways with his wife Olive. The talk was much more desultory than when only the cronies were there, and everybody was a bit bored, for the weather was bad, and there was only billiards, and the pianola daniel radcliffe images nude to dance to. Olive was reading a book about the future, when babies would be daniel radcliffe images nude bred in bottles, and women would be "immunised." "Jolly good thing too!" she said. "Then a woman can live her own life." Strangeways wanted children, and she didn't. "How'd you like to be immunised?" Winterslow asked her, with an ugly smile. "Anyhow the future's going to have more sense, and a woman needn't be dragged down by her _functions_." "Perhaps she'll float off into space altogether," said Dukes.

"I do think sufficient civilization ought to eliminate a lot of the physical disabilities," said Clifford.

"All the love-business for example, it might just as well go.

I suppose it would if we could breed babies in bottles." "No!" cried Olive. "That might leave all the more room for fun." "I suppose," said Lady Bennerley, contemplatively, "if the love-business went, something else would take its place. It would be wonderfully refreshing for everybody." "The government releasing ether into the air on Saturdays, for a cheerful weekend!" said Jack. "Sounds all right, but where should we be by Wednesday?" "So long as you can forget your body you are happy," said Lady Bennerley. "And the moment you begin to be aware of your body, you are wretched. So, if civilization is any good, it has to help us to forget our bodies, and then time passes happily without our knowing it." "Help us to get rid of our bodies altogether," said Winterslow.

"It's quite time man began to improve on his own nature, especially the physical side of it." "Imagine if we floated like tobacco smoke," said Connie.

"Our old show will come flop; our civilization is going to fall. It's going down the bottomless pit, down the chasm. And believe me, the only bridge across the chasm will be the phallus!" "Oh daniel radcliffe images nude do! "I believe our civilization is going to collapse," said Aunt Eva. "I haven't the faintest idea, but something, I suppose," said the elderly lady.

"Connie says people like wisps of smoke, and Olive says immunised women, and babies in bottles, and Dukes says the phallus is the bridge to what comes next. "Only hurry up with the breeding bottle, and let us poor women off." "There might even be real men, in the next phase," said Tommy. "Real, intelligent, wholesome men, and wholesome nice women! Wouldn't that be a change, an enormous change from us? We're only cerebrating make-shifts, mechanical and intellectual experiments.

There may daniel radcliffe images nude even come a civilization of genuine men and women, instead of our little lot of clever-jacks, all at the intelligence-age of seven. It would be even more amazing than men of smoke or babies in bottles." "Oh, when people begin to talk about real daniel radcliffe images nude women, I give up," said Olive. "Certainly nothing but the spirit in us is worth having," said Winterslow.

"Spirits!" said Jack, drinking his whiskey and soda. "But it'll come, in time, when we've shoved the cerebral stone away a bit, the money and the rest.

Then we'll get a democracy of touch, instead of a democracy of pocket." Something echoed inside Connie: "Give me the democracy of touch, the resurrection of the body!" She didn't at all know what it meant, but it comforted her, as meaningless things may do. Anyhow everything was terribly silly, and she was exasperatedly bored by it all, by Clifford, by Aunt Eva, by Olive and Jack, and Winterslow, and even by Dukes. She continued plodding on, but exasperation and irritation had got hold of her lower body, she couldn't escape. The days seemed to grind by, with curious painfulness, yet nothing happened.

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