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Lucille, I fancy you wouldn’t mind kissing my cunt now if I promised to let you off,” said the Superior spitefully.

My courage and natural obstinacy came to my assistance at the moment, I was so indignant, and the idea was so repulsive to me that I resolved rather to die than do that for her; I was frightened and yet flushed with shame and indignation at my treatment, besides daddy daughter anal captions something seemed to advise me to irritate my tormentor to do her worst, and get it over quickly.

you may kill me, and then I should be out of my misery!” I exclaimed. She scowled with ferocity, but said with all the calmness she could command, “make haste, Serena, up with her clothes, and open the drawers well, and keep her as steady as possible.” Then taking up the instrument of punishment I could see it consisted of five or six long thongs of whipcord, plaited and knotted at the ends, fixed on a very elastic handle. It was poised in her hand for a moment, and then brought down with stinging force on my exposed buttocks, then again, and again, and again, in quick succession; each cut seemed to sear the flesh as if done by a red hot iron, my piercing screams filled the whole place, and the Superior, her eyes sparkling with ferocious joy, jeered me about how I liked the scourge. Lucille, as you plunge and scream, and I know the intense agony of every cut; would you rather die now, my little dear?

Well, I’ve a good mind to kill you, outright, only I want daddy daughter anal captions to keep you as long as that _dear, kind papa_ of yours is willing to pay! How he must have loved his Lucille, to place her with me; I’m so kind, so very kind, you know, my dear girl! What do you think of my kindness, you little love?” Her cuts were awful, and I swayed and plunged so that it was impossible for Serena to keep my body steady, so she seized the other scourge, and tried her best to second the Superior in her efforts to cut me up more and more.

At last daddy daughter anal captions they fairly panted for breath, as I was left dangling, sobbing and moaning, with my clothes daddy daughter anal captions torn, my drawers in shreds, and streaming with blood all down my thighs and legs. Fearing I might faint, they poured a little strong cordial down my parched throat, sponged my face with cold water, and put some strong snuff up my nose, which almost drove me into convulsions, so very violent was the fit daddy daughter anal captions of sneezing produced. They seemed carried away with delight at the sight of my sufferings, and young teenage step daughters getting fuck by daddy sprinkled a quantity of the snuff over the cuts on my bottom, just to dry up the blood, as daddy fucks teenage daughter they said with a laugh. Next all my clothes were cut or torn off, till I had nothing on but slippers, stockings, and the remains of my drawers. “Now we’ll finish off the obstinate, impudent little beast, I wish I dare kill her,” said the daddy daughter anal captions Superior, grinding her teeth, “only I should lose too much, she is worth more alive than dead.” A couple of lady’s riding whips were now produced, and the two women attacked me afresh; I was cut all over my body, each cut seemed as if done with a red hot knife, the blood flowed down my back in streams, and yet their rage seemed daddy daughter anal captions to increase at the sight of my sufferings. My screams were awful, but only so much music to their ears. They jeered and derided my cries for “God to have mercy on me, &c.,” said “my time was come to die, but they would make me last as long as possible, and draw out my agony to the very last gasp.” This must all have passed in a very short time, but was an age of intense suffering to me, and the finale was such a display of ferocity that I sank under it, and thus robbed them of the pleasure of prolonging my torture. The Superior seized me by the hair, and drawing my head back, lashed her whip across my face and bosom, drawing more blood at every cut, whilst old Serena, not to be outdone, took my right leg under her arm, cut me dreadfully inside my thighs, along the crack of my pussey, and made the tip of her whip reach the Mons Veneris.

This was the last I could recollect, but when I came to myself I was in my own bed, wrapped up in cloths soaked in water. No bones were broken, and my health soon recovered sufficiently to enable me to effect my escape, and avoid their further malice.

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