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Although it was chilly, sexy aishwarya rai nude pictures and sucking pussy our heads were warm, and it came to me to propose to the maidens that they put their feet in the water, assuring them that it would do them good and, if they permitted me, that I would count it an honour to remove their shoes and stockings. “Come,” said Hedvige, “I like the project well.” “I, too,” said Helene.

“Seat yourselves, ladies, on the first stair.” Behold them, then, seated, and thy servant, on the fourth stair, busy unshoeing them, what time he extolled the beauty of their legs and made pretence to be incurious at the moment to see higher than cheating wife fucking and sucking on video the knee. Then, having gone down to the water, they had perforce to lift their garments, and in this business I encouraged them. “Ah, well,” remarked Hedvige, “men also have thighs.” Helene, who would have felt shame to show less courage than her cousin, did not hang back.

Ye will catch cold if ye remain for long in the water.” They reascended the staircase backwards, ever holding up their robes lest they might sexy small gangster girls sucking dick and fucking wet them; and it fell to me to dry their limbs with all the handkerchiefs that I possessed. This pleasant task permitted me to see and touch everything at my leisure, and the reader will scarce need my word to affirm that I made the best of my opportunity.

The pretty niece (Hedvige) declared that I was too curious, but Helene let me have my way with an air so tender and so languid that I was hard pressed not to push the matter further. In the end, having again put on their shoes and stockings, I told them that I was enchanted to have viewed the secret charms of the two most lovely ladies in Geneva. “What effect hath it on thee?” asked Hedvige of me. “I dare not tell ye to look, but feel, both of ye.” “Bathe thou thyself also.” “Impossible. The business is too long for a man.” “But we have yet two full hours to remain here without fear of interruption from anyone.” This response caused me to see the happiness that awaited me; but I did not think fit to expose myself to an illness by entering the water in the state in which I was. Seeing a summer-house not far off and assured that M.

Tronchin would have left it open, I took my two beauties by the arm and led them thither, not letting them guess, however, my intentions. The summer-house was full of vases of _pot pourri_, pretty engravings, and so forth; but what I valued most was a large and lovely divan, fit for repose and for pleasure. There, seated ‘twixt these two cheating wife fucking and sucking on video beauties and lavishing caresses upon them, I said that I desired to show them that which they had never seen, at the same time exposing to their gaze the principal agent of humanity. They raised themselves to admire it, and then, taking the hand of each one of them, I procured for them a considerable pleasure; but, in the course of this labour, an abundant emission on my part caused them great amazement.

“cheating wife fucking and sucking ocheating wife fucking and sucking on video n video The speech of the great creator of men.” “‘Tis delicious!” cried Helene, laughing at the term ‘speech.’ “I, too, have the power of speech,” said Hedvige, “and I will show it thee, if thou wilt wait a moment.” “Put thyself in my hands, sweet Hedvige. I will spare thee the trouble of making it come thyself, and I will do it better than thee.” “I well believe it. But I have never done that with a man.” “Nor I,” said Helene.

When they had placed themselves directly before me, their arms enlaced, I made them swoon away afresh. Then, having seated ourselves, what time my hand strayed all over their charms, I let them divert themselves at their leisure, till in the end I moistened their palms with a second emission of the natural moisture, which they examined curiously on their fingers. Having once again put ourselves in a state of decency, we passed yet another half hour in exchanging kisses, after which I told them that they had rendered me partially happy, but, to make the work perfect, that I hoped they would devise a means of granting me their first favours. Then I showed them those preservative sachets which the English have invented in order to rid the fair sex of all fear. These little “purses,”[33] the use of which I explained to cheating wife fucking and sucking on video them, excited their admiration, and Hedvige said to her cousin that she would give thought to the matter. Become intimate friends and in good case to become even better, we took our way towards the house, where we found Helene’s mother and the minister walking by the edge of the lake.... [33] _Capote Anglaise_: in slang terms, a French letter or condom. The French talk about an “English” letter; we say the reverse.

_Follows now the description of a dinner at which Casanova, Hedvige and Helene are present. The text continues:_ Helene shone in solving the questions put to her by the company. de Ximenes begged her to justify as best she might our first mother, who had deceived her husband by causing him to eat the fatal apple.

“Eve,” quoth she, “deceived not her husband; she did but cajole him into eating it in the hope of giving him one more perfection.

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