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Can you get pregnant having sex during your period

Moreover, Eve had not received the prohibition from God but from Adam; in her act there was seduction, not deceit; in all probability her womanly sense did not let her regard the prohibition as serious.” ... Another lady then asked her if one can you get pregnant having sex during your period might believe the history of the apple to be symbolical. Hedvige answered: “I think not, since it could only be a symbol of sexual union, and ‘tis established that such was not consummated ‘twixt Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.” “On this point the learned differ.” “So much the worse for them, madam; the Scripture is plain enough. ‘Tis written in the first verse of the fourth chapter that Adam knew Eve after his expulsion from their terrestrial paradise, and that in consequence she conceived Cain.” “Yea, but the verse sayeth not that Adam did not know her before, and, consequently, he might so have done.” “This I cannot allow, for had he known her before she would have conceived; ‘twere foolish to suppose that two creatures, who had just can you get pregnant having sex during your period quitted God’s hands, and were, in consequence, as nigh perfect as is possible, could consummate the act of generation with no result.” _The conversation now becomes very theological and controversial, and we take leave to omit it._ ... I went apart with Helene, who told me that her cousin and the pastor would sup with her mother on the following day. “Hedvige,” she added, “will stay and sleep with me, as is ever her custom when she cometh with her uncle to sup. It remaineth to be seen if thou art willing to hide in a spot I will show thee to-morrow at eleven of the clock, in order to pass the night with us. Call on my mother at that hour to-morrow, and I will find means of showing thee can you get pregnant having sex during your period the spot....” ... In the morning I paid the mother a visit, and as Helene was escorting me out, she showed me a closed door ‘twixt the two stairs. “At seven hours of the clock,” said she, “thou will find it open, and when thou art within, put on the bolt. Take care lest any see thee as thou enter the house.” _Casanova, in due course, takes up his position in the hiding place, and during his long wait for the two charmers, gives himself up to reflection on his past.

In my long and profligate career, during can you get pregnant having sex during your period which I have turned the heads of several hundreds of ladies, I have grown familiar with all methods of seduction; but it hath ever been my guiding principle never to press my attack against novices or those in whom prejudices were likely to prove an obstacle, save in the presence of another woman. Timidity, I soon discovered, maketh a girl averse from seduction; in company with another girl she is easily conquered; the weakness of one bringeth on the fall of the other. Fathers and mothers are of contrary opinion, but they err. They will not trust their daughter to take a walk or go to a ball with a young man, but no difficulty is made if she hath another girl with her.

I repeat--they err; if the young man hath the requisite skill, their daughter is lost. A sense of false shame hindereth them from making a determined resistance to seduction, but, the first step taken, the fall cometh inevitably and rapidly. One girl, granting some small favour, straightway maketh her friend grant can you get pregnant having sex during your period a much greater, thereby to hide her own blushes; and if the seducer be clever at his trade, the youthful innocent will soon have travelled too far to be able to draw back. In addition, the more innocent the girl, the greater her ignorance of seduction’s methods. Ere she hath time to think, pleasure doth attract her, curiosity draweth her yet a little further, and opportunity doth the rest. For example, ‘twere possible I had been able to seduce Hedvige without Helene, but I am assured I had never succeeded with Helene had she not seen her cousin grant me certain licenses what time she took liberties with me--practices which she thought, doubtless, contrary to the modesty and decorum of a respectable young woman.... I desire what I say to be a warning to fathers and mothers, and to secure me a place in their esteem, at any rate. Shortly after the pastor had gone I heard three light knocks on my prison door. I opened it, and a hand soft as satin grasped mine. ‘Twas Helene’s hand, and that happy moment had already repaid me for my long waiting.

“Follow me softly,” she said, in a low voice; but scarce had she closed the door ere I, in my impatience, clasped her tenderly in my arms, and caused her to feel the effect which her mere presence had produced on me, what time I assured myself of her docility.

“Be prudent, my friend,” said she to me, “and come softly upstairs.” I followed her as best I might in the darkness, she leading me along a gallery into a room without light, the door of which she closed behind us, and thence into a lighted chamber, wherein was Hedvige, well nigh in a state of nudity.

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Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.