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One day when passing one of the master's rooms, he peeped in and saw him making mysterious motions in front of a pale, sickly boy, who was celebrated amongst his companions for the enormous size of his prick and balls.

He watched with curiosity, and saw the sexy small gangster girls sucking dick and fucking boy fall apparently asleep. The master then proceeded to divest him of his trousers, handling with evident delight the boy's private parts. He then tucked up his shirt under his waistcoat, leaving the whole of his belly, bottom, thighs, and his lovely prick exposed. The master gazed with rapture, and Frank saw by brothers and sisters fucking dick in pussy the lump that suddenly appeared in his trousers that his cock was evidently standing erect and hard. "Kneel on that sofa, and lean your arms on the head of it, I will it!" Frank was intensely surprised to see the boy obey as though he were walking in his sleep. The master took from an adjacent cupboard a birch and went to the head of the sofa, then leaning over brothers and sisters fucking dick in pussy the prostrate form of the boy commenced to flog him with it on his bottom and the inside of his thighs, but not severely. He next unbuttoned his own trousers, and out sprang his prick in a state of glorious development, skinned and hard. Frank could scarcely resist the inclination to rush in and beg to be allowed to suck it, but he refrained from fear and also lest his curiosity as to what was about to take place should be baulked. The master spoke to the boy, "Raise your head, and take my prick in your mouth, and suck it till I spend." The victim complied in the same mechanical manner. The birching was now resumed, and as the master's excitement increased the blows fell heavier, the boy's bottom becoming red and inflamed. He also commenced fucking the boy in the mouth, pushing himself backwards and forwards, when suddenly he dropped the birch, and seizing the boy's head forced his prick within his mouth as far as he could ram it, spent, saying with spasmodic gasps, "Swallow it all--my--spunk--shall--go down--your throat--if it--kills you." When he withdrew his reeking cock, the spend was glistening in and around the boy's lips, but he had most undoubtedly swallowed nearly all but a few drops. The master now came to the side of the sofa, and passing his hand beneath the boy'brothers and sisters fucking dick in pussy s belly, felt his lovely prick, but it was not stiff. He separated the thighs a little, and tickled his testicles, still it would not stiffen. He then skinned it, and stooping took the head between his lips. He again commenced to birch him, stopping for a moment to rub his testicles and prick with eau de cologne. The master's prick was again furiously erect, so throwing the birch down again he took a small pot of cold cream and produced an implement somewhat resembling an artificial prick (it was in fact a dildo), which he plentifully rubbed with the ointment, then taking more on his finger, approached the boy, and pressing apart the cheeks of his bottom, began to anoint the tight, wrinkled bumhole with it, gradually inserting his finger further and further inside. He then took the dildo, and applying it to the orifice, pushed it steadily in, until its entire length was buried in his anus; leaving it there he again examined the boy's prick, and was evidently delighted to find that at last it stood as brothers and sisters fucking dick in pussy stiffly as his own.

He then withdrew the dildo, and after rubbing his own prick with cold cream, knelt on the sofa behind the boy, and pointing the head of his cock at the well moistened orifice, pulling apart the buttocks with both hands, he eventually succeeded in penetrating the boy thoroughly. He next proceeded with both hands, which he passed in front of the boy's belly, and seized his glorious prick and balls, and while fucking him in the bottom, frigged him also, now stopping, and then again proceeding with rapidity, until at last the boy spent profusely, at the same moment that the master deposited within him his exhilarating emission. Frank now passed on, fearing discovery, as the master had evidently finished for the present. He brothers and sisters fucking dick in pussy was puzzled at the mysterious manner in which the brothers and sisters fucking dick in pussy boy seemed to have been rendered insensible, and the fact of a great prick perforating a bottom-hole also filled him with astonishment.

He resolved to make the attempt to achieve this latter result with this very boy, who slept in his dormitory, and try what it was like. And it may be added that he successfully carried his project into effect the same evening, to the great surprise and extreme delight of the boy, who had knowingly been operated on in a similar manner, probably on many occasions. Shortly after this he spoke of the extraordinary power one being seemed to possess over another, making them unconscious, and then compelling them to obey their orders.

This was to a young student at a neighbouring college, with whom he had become intimate, even to the extent of frigging each other.

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That, to me, is Bolshevism." "Absolutely!" said buzz like a blue-bottle the very bottom of his soul he _was_ an outsider, and anti-social, and he accepted the fact inwardly, no matter how Bond-Streety.

Had come upon her beloved Miss Evelyn?” “I am not well, but cannot explain more.” I had wouldn't cavil, Hilda." "Naturally I don't want. Continued to greedily lick her.