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The trouble is to separate the grain from the chaff, the stories from the irrelevant verbiage--not that the latter is not often highly entertaining.

Bernard de la Monnoye, in his _Dissertation_ (_cit. sup._), bears out our criticism when explaining the plan of the book. “The author supposes a sort of general banquet,” he writes, “where, without regard for rank or degree, he introduces persons of every kind and age, scallawags for the most part, who, with no object but their own amusement, talk with the utmost freedom, and passing almost imperceptibly from subject to subject, cause desi fucking nude sexy babes the stories to be lost to sight. In fact, they are so jumbled up in the book that one is hard put to find them....” Both extracts from _The Way to Attain_ given in this volume (Coypeau and His Thread and The Breaker of Eggs) are told without interruption in the original French text, but each is introduced in the most haphazard fashion, preceded and followed by a veritable welter of inconsequent remarks; if Machen found it necessary to weed out the most strongly scented flowers from the Canonical garden, the student will find it equally necessary to dig before he finds the best. There are other good things, however, besides the stories in _The Way to Attain_. While many of the asides and interjections are gross, vulgar, and, seemingly, pointless, others show a pretty and pungent wit. The canon is for ever having a thrust at his cloth, the monks, and the nuns, and some of his criticisms are worth repeating:-- “Where there are no monks there can be no shamelessness.” “None sit more at their ease than monks, ministers, and consecrated folk, who, in the place of keeping the holy orders that have been given them, make them into ordure, and leaving the orders of God take the orders of the devil, who giveth them grace to be more lewd and whorish than other men.” “The women that frequent the abodes of churchmen are not their wives, ... they are first maids, then mates, then mistresses.” “It is better to have in one’s house a wench with whom one can disport theologically than to go about wandering from pillar to post like a high-toby, and run the fully nude photos of scarlett pomers real are fake risk of getting a nip, like Cornu, who sighed as he lay a-dying of the pox: ‘Now I begin to appreciate the beauties of domesticity.’” “Once on a time he was prebendary of Chartres, but he left his stall to marry a pretty lass, and the morning after the wedding, as they lay in bed, he said to her: ‘Now, sweetheart, thou dost see how well I love thee, for I left my fair prebend that I ashwarya ray sexi nude fucking fake photos might have thee.’ She replied: ‘Then thou wast a fool; thou shouldst have kept thy prebend, and had me also.’ ... It would appear that she ashwarya ray sexi nude fucking fake photos knew that some canons are given to waggery.” “Such cloisterlings, world sexy muslim women porn fucking photos images who love not women, are always ready to fish up some ancient, stinking heresy under the pretence of discoursing against the Reformation, talking of vices they impute to others, the which are more tolerable than their own.... It is better to keep a wench than to trouble the peace of Christendom, and to do the work is true godliness, which is the reason why bishops are called fathers-in-God, ... And they are certainly godly, that is happy; for happy, thrice happy is the father who hath not the trouble of feeding his children.” “He was as liberal as our bishop, who had rather give a crown to a wench than a groat to a poor man.” “Assuredly she is a strumpet. Paul’s, who had promised his rector to be discreet, and run no more after the wenches, or at least that he would abstain during Easter week. he hadn’t the patience, and on Easter Monday he spoke to his woman, and ashwarya ray sexi nude fucking fake photos the parson saw him. When they met he told him of it, saying: ‘I saw thee speaking to ashwarya ray sexi nude fucking fake photos a wench. Canst not refrain, at least during the holy season?’ ‘Pardon,’ he replied, ‘I did but make an appointment for next week.’”[125] [125] Our excerpts are drawn chiefly from Machen’s translation. We have quoted sufficiently to show that amid this welter of words there is fruit worth the plucking. The general tone of the work, however, is coarse; if the canon desired to refer to what is not usually mentioned in the most Catholic of assemblies, he did so in the crudest language. To our age the grossness of his obscenity seems unnecessary; out of place; unpardonable. The conversational atmosphere of a present-day smoking-room would have made de Verville blush. The old canon wrote as men in those times spoke; we of to-day write not as we speak, but as we think we ought to speak.

It is this pitiful hypocrisy which blinds us to the fact that in _Le Moyen de Parvenir_ we have some of the brightest tales and sayings ever penned by human hand. HERE ENDS THE FIRST VOLUME OF ANTHOLOGICA ashwarya ray sexi nude fucking fake photos RARISSIMA: THE WAY OF A VIRGIN: PRINTED IN LONDON FOR MEMBERS OF THE BROVAN SOCIETY IN MCMXXII.

* ashwarya ray sexi nude fucking fake photos * * * * Transcriber’s Notes Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. Variations in hyphenation have been standardised but all other spelling and punctuation remains unchanged.

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