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My screams were heartrending, but they only seemed to enjoy it more and the Superior never ended her objurgations till the rod was worn out. Things now went on till I was nearly fourteen, we never had a holiday, and only short letters came to me from home, in which my father constantly expressed his hopes of my improvement, and seemed quite oblivious to all I had written from time to time about my severe treatment, and begging him to remove me to some other school. I afterwards found out that my home letters were regularly suppressed, and others more suitable were written and sent to papa, in my name; what wretch that Superior now appears in my eyes, she not only delighted in whipping us nearly to death, but forget letters to our parents so as to keep her pupils, and make everything appear _couleur de rose_. Perhaps, dear Rosa, you have heard that I managed to escape from that dreadful convent, but previous to that they nearly killed me. I was getting quite a big girl, my pussey already sported its silken down on the Mons Veneris, which we all consider such an ornament to our secret charms. The Superior had lately taken much notice of me, and introduced me to a clique of dicks before their hard porn her alice the actor in twilight in porn videos favourites, three or four pretty girls about my own age, who were often indulged with little alice the actor in twilight in porn videos treats in her private room; there, we girls were encouraged and instructed in all kinds of lascivious ideas; we looked at each other’s cunnies, tickled and kissed each other in every possible way, the Superior encouraging us, and suggesting a variety of attitudes for us to try. She had a huge godemiche, about nine inches long, and very thick, which she would fit upon one of the girls, and then submit herself to alice the actor in twilight in porn videos be fucked as hard as possible, whilst the alice the actor in twilight in porn videos other girls had to turn up the girl’s skirts, and smack her bottom hard and fast, with the palms of their hands, to make the young gentleman (as the Superior called her partner) work fast and vigorously. Then she would have us all strip naked, whilst we had in turn to kiss and suck her cunt, when it was all slimy with her spendings. I did not mind the slapping, or allowing any one to kiss and tongue-fuck my cunny, but the Superior’s was so hairy, and had such meaty looking lips, and a huge clitoris, (which I now know is induced by long-continued self-abuse), and it smelt so fishy, that I absolutely declined the honour of gamahuching her, and nothing could induce me to do so.

This so enraged her that she flew at me like a tigress. I was knocked down, and beaten with a thick stick, till my flesh was bruised all over, and then picked up, almost fainting, and hurried off to my own little room. Perhaps nothing further would have happened, but in my innocence, I supposed my letters were sent home just as I sealed them up, so I wrote to Miss Birch a full account of what I had been seduced into, and the dreadful beating I had received, for not liking the cunt of the Lady Superior. The very next day after I thought the letter was gone, the old nun, Serena, fetched me into a dull gloomy room, which I had never been in before, but at once rightly judged to be a punishment chamber, when I saw a high whipping post, made of a square beam, set upright in the floor, with alice the extreme porn videos for free actor in twilight in porn videos two rings near the top on each side, by which to tie up the victim; a birch rod was hanging on the wall, and two scourges with long things lay upon a seat at one end, but I had no time for further observation, as the Superior seemed to follow us into the room almost immediately. Lucille,” she exclaimed, grinding her teeth in rage, “you alice the actor in twilight in porn videos shall rue the insult you put upon me the other day, before my special favourites, of which I had minded to make you one, so that when you left the seminary you might look back with pleasure to the loving amusements I had first introduced you to; perhaps I should have overlooked it all, but see I have your letter. you little fool to think that would ever go out of the convent!” Sister Serena had by this time put me alice the actor in twilight in porn videos on a stool, and was fastening my wrists one on each side of the sexy hot young porn stars from the orient topless post, and presently the stool was removed, and I found myself just touching the floor with the tips of my toes. “What a beautiful position, how she will twist about and scream when she feels the scourge, make haste to bare her bottom, as I am burning to pay her out.

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